Tuesday, September 24, 2024


Isabel Pantoja | Warning about Issa Pantoja’s health: “I am drowning”

Warning on the state of health of Issa Pantoja. Isa of the tonadillera Isabel Pantoja scared her followers by making a post about her poor health on her official Instagram...

The county has a reform of the county’s health system in the pipeline

“Look at Gringo, I think to solve a public health conflict you have to do two things: one is putting money in and one is increasing and deepening the dialogue.” A witness to the conversation repeated the words...

Strong demand from the deans of medicine in the face of the crisis of the system

“The time has come for all of us to contribute together to the development of a global health policy, centered on human resources policy that goes beyond what has already been accomplished,” the Forum says in the text it...

Health centers and clinics in Soriano that have more than 50 cards have an automatic appointment

From day one, all users of health centers in the province and all local clinics with 50 or more health cards have access to automatic appointment services, in addition to continuing to maintain existing appointment request channels in the...

Gabriela Barbas noted that the Ministry of Health is open to dialogue

The dispute between health workers and the county health ministry continues and there is expected to be a meeting on Monday 5 December to reach an agreement.Health teams are calling for salary increases and better contract terms, among other...

Health authorities in Southern California are concerned about a shortage of medical personnel | video | Vision 34 Los Angeles KMEX

Read the texthigher, because at the beginningNovember to dateThe number of hospitalizations forIt was caused by covid19Tripled in Los Angeles CountyAngels.Caesarean Hospital this weekSend a standing statementto their patients explaining howThe pandemic has changed livesFrom each in Paul'salways, inclhealth...

What is the International Space Station and which countries are part of it?

Considered one of the greatest feats of space engineering ever built, the International Space Station serves as a laboratory for space studies. Find out everything you need to know.Year after year, different space agencies, both public and private,...

The Minister of Health, Carolina Corco, announced the arrival of vaccines against monkeypox in the country

During a press conference held in the facilities of the Ministry of Health, the Minister of that Portfolio, Carolina Corcho, made several announcements about the vaccination operation that will be carried out to counter the monkeypox virus in Colombia.On...

Curaprox promotes the premiere forum on oral health prevention

The Curaden Group is committed to leading the promotion of oral health prevention with an industry leading meeting. Last November, Barcelona hosted the celebration One patient - one strategy. Individual prevention at the university »It is the first meeting...
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A spattooth whale washed ashore in New Zealand

Residents of New Zealand, a frequent hotspot for wandering whales and dolphins, are used to finding large marine creatures...
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