Monday, September 23, 2024


➤ Have you now noticed a gorilla, fish, tree or lion first? The visual test that will find out who you are today...

The question that leads us to today's test is simple: What did you see first in the image of the note? See below for more complete chart of this test Myself It consists of different animals or objects,...

Dismantling the health reform

Health Minister Carolina Corco revealed the health reform proposal that “the change is very simple, that the money arrives perfectly, without intermediaries, because the resources are limited (...) with a public information system. Avoid vertical integration” (https://elpais .com/america-colombia/2022-09-15/). ...

When you answer what you saw first, you will know if you are an attentive person | personality test | Mexico

If you want to know what your true way of being is, personality test What we offer is perfect for you. You will be able to tell if you are an alert person or not....

The Ministry of Health is working to launch tenders for the drafting of the Polanco Health Center project before the end of the year

((Attention subscribers, replace information on the same topic with this information due to a misspelling in the title. Sorry for the inconvenience)) Santander, September 30 (Europe Press) -...

Mineralogy: discover the unique scientific value of diamonds that would have been sold in a jewelry store | Sciences

world of gems Tingting JuFrom Gemological Institute of America (GIA) In New York (USA), he was evaluating and verifying a diamond, about to be an integral part of another gem in a ring, when he realized its geological significance...

The La Serena court rejected three applications for protection against the Minister of Health.

The Court of Appeal of La Serena rejected three protection appeals filed against the Ministry of Health and the former holder of the wallet, over statements issued by the authority regarding the vaccination program against the emerging coronavirus (Covid-19)...

‘Juno’ probe visits Europa, Jupiter’s icy satellite | Sciences

Europa, the second satellite of Jupiter discovered by Galileo in 1610, is about to receive a new visit from Earth: 22 years after the probe's visit Galileo Today, the satellite arrives boat Junewhich has been orbiting the giant planet...

The Department of Health holds the Treasury Department responsible for deducting approximately 27 billion yen into the fund in the 2023 budget • Weekly...

“On the one hand, if someone dares to say that the fund has gone bankrupt, but on the other hand, the transfers are cut off, (that is) it hasn’t gone bankrupt, and they want it to go bankrupt,” says...
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A spattooth whale washed ashore in New Zealand

Residents of New Zealand, a frequent hotspot for wandering whales and dolphins, are used to finding large marine creatures...
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