Sunday, March 9, 2025


Logical puzzle | Are you able to locate the moons in the image? 97% couldn’t beat this viral challenge | visual...

If what you want is to have fun without having to leave your home, it is a good idea to participate in a visual puzzle hard to beat. Specifically, we present you here a file...

Public Health records 72 new injuries and one new death

According to the report of the Ministry Public HealthOf the 2399 samples tested, 72 tested positive Corona Virus. With this said, there are already 462,855 positive...

Belgium announces the first case in Europe of a new variant of the Corona virus

The government confirmed that as of Saturday, It will again tighten restrictions against the coronavirus, close nightclubs and limit the hours and capacity of the hotel industry, among other measures, in the face of a surge in coronavirus cases...

Rehabilitation of the health permit requirement to enter Brazil

The day before, the regulator had indicated that it had problems with the document's electronic compliance system, and had therefore notified the airlines to suspend monitoring of the procedure. This declaration is available on the Anvisa website and must be...

Corona virus lives in Spain: the third dose, infection rate and restrictions | Sixth wave, past hour

Germany adds a new record for daily infections: 75,961German health authorities reported this Thursday that the country has crossed the threshold of 100,000 cumulative deaths due to the epidemic, While you are signing up for The new maximum number...

Public Health confirms a decrease in Covid-19 cases

A systematic decrease in the reporting of new cases of Covid -19 has been recorded in recent weeks in most of the country's...

Spanish scientific discovery: age not only weakens the immune system, but also leads to infection with the herpes virus scientific discovery: age not only weakens the immune system, but also leads to infection with the herpes virusSpanish scientific discovery: age not only weakens the immune system, but also leads to infection with the herpes virusResearchers from the...

Corona virus lives in Spain: the third dose, infection rate and restrictions | Sixth wave, past hour

Alarming notice from the World Health OrganizationThe World Health Organization He has already warned of the situation that is coming in Europe With the increase in infections and the accumulation of infections, and what will happen if countries do...

Sagittarius in work and health according to your horoscope: all expectations and what the future holds for you according to the zodiac | ...

Be careful with all the information we have for you. People born under the sign Sagittarius They are distinguished by their perseverance in their work horoscope map. Her competence and ability will make you pursue a clear,...

A scientific study supports the use of cloth clips after one year

The fit of the mask is criticalEach person's face shape varies greatly. Therefore, depending on the shape of the mask and how well a person fits it, it may or may not be suitable for him. Previous research...
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