Monday, March 10, 2025


Virus found in bats in Cambodia linked to the coronavirus that causes COVID-19

"This study has detected viruses associated with SARS-CoV-2 in a type of bat that is not found in China," said the team led by scientist Viasna Diong, who works at the Pasteur Institute in Cambodia and was one of...

Viral personality test | Psychological test | Are you a wise person? What you see first in the picture will tell...

It's time for you to take a personality test that gives you important information about who you are right now. Here you can join the test Widely Able to tell you whether you are a...

The Fifth Conference on Comprehensive Women’s Health was held in Komodoro Rivadavia

This weekend, at the Ministry of Health, a new space for comprehensive medical examinations for women was created, on an open day for the community seeking to carry out early detection of diseases. This...

After the official defeat, the question is how far economics bears art and how much politics supports science

Although it seems counterintuitive, I suspect it wouldn't have been so much different either, had the world not been stricken by the tragedy of the pandemic. They built a model of government with muddled leadership, with low credibility due...

How to see the Leonid meteor shower from Mexico: 20 meteors are expected per hour

This week, all astronomy lovers will be watching Partial lunar eclipse What will happen on Friday November 19 Because it will be the longest in the century and the satellite will appear in an intense red...

Foods that help prevent disease | Health | magazine

Maintaining a proper diet helps in strengthening the body's systems.November 14, 2021 - 08:15 amMaintaining a balanced diet and consuming appropriate nutrients is an essential part of good health, although there are factors that influence the onset of diseases...

Rare species appear in a river declared dead more than 60 years ago | Science

The Thames River (London), which was declared biologically dead 64 years ago, was once again harboring a species of fish and animals. The good news was released by the Zoological Society of London (ZSL), last Wednesday, November 10,...

Health allows email for ‘single dose’ traveling abroad

partner Tweety THE WHATSAPP email Before the bridge arrives next December and Christmas, there are many Ríojan residents who have already closed their travels, some through Spain and some beyond their borders. This is where some doubts arise about the “anti-COVID” protocols,...

Pictures: This is how global warming is changing our planet

Posted: November 13, 2021 03:41 GMT ...

Chilean scientists develop protection for aluminum alloy used in aircraft and spacecraft

Aluminum is an essential component of the aerospace industry. But it faces a difficulty: corrosion.To avoid this deterioration, a group of Chilean researchers led Maritza Baez, Ph.D. in Corrosion Science and Engineering from Victoria University of Manchester, England,...
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