When we repeat bad sleeping patterns for many years, they become habits, and generate countless annoyances in our daily lives.August 18, 2021 - 6:30 PMWe live in a society where the pace of life is very high, responsibilities and...
Faced with the current context of the pandemic, Covid-19 has not only had an impact on health. Adapting to new lifestyles, the confinement work electronically Physical and emotional exhaustion, on a second, more complex problem:...
With all young people vaccinated, the opening of educational centers can be ensured, On September 13, the virus infection rate decreased
The Ministry of Health is promoting a campaign under the slogan “You who...
The impact of deforestation on the Amazon is not a story. This effect, in addition to the accelerated warming caused by this region, has generated new glitch: In certain places of that great region More carbon dioxide...
https://mundo.sputniknews.com/20210817/al-borde-del-llanto-estadounidense-agradece-en-tv-a-la-salud-argentina-y-se-hace-viral--video-1115153571.htmlOn the verge of tears, the American thanks Argentina's health on TV and goes viral | VideoOn the verge of tears, the American thanks Argentina's health on TV and goes viral | VideoThe emotional gratitude of an...
There is a mystery surrounding a celestial body moving at 200 kilometers per second 150 light-years from Earth: the accident is called, and it could be an ancient brown dwarf created at the beginning of the Milky Way or...
The Federal Commission for the Protection of Health Risks (Cofepris) Committee on New Particles has issued a favorable opinion on Moderna's vaccine against COVID-19.
The vaccine, which was developed in the United States, received its first unanimous positive opinion, a...
So it seems that this government is trying so hard to mismanage it, as if it were doing it on purpose, to hurt everyone it can. Its general policies are nothing but plans that have been reasoned, supported,...
Vaccination against covid-19 Guayaquil This Sunday, August 15, 2021 happened in 28 points it enabled Ministry of Health. Through her Twitter account,...
It is inevitable that hundreds of users in Facebook do not intersect with Viral personality testsMany of them attract attention and reveal amazing properties about themselves. This type of psychological tests They...