With consolidated financial accounts, updated payments and details of public funds for health, Simone Cueva was fired from the Ministry of Economy and Finance, which he now holds Pablo Arosemina Marriott.
He made his first appearance before the National Assembly, where he was called to appear on his last day in office. There, he indicated that the Ministry of Health allocated $3,260 million (a regulated budget). He also referred to the annual investment plan in that portfolio of $293.4 million in addition to $42.9 million from the Ministry of Transportation and Public Works’ hospital infrastructure budget. That the finance achieved in fiscal year 2022 budget increases for the Ministry of Health in the amount of 132.4 million dollars, and that the increase in non-permanent spending reflects compliance with legal requirements to increase the health and education budgets by 0.5% of GDP each year.
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Regarding the resources for social security, he detailed the amount paid to the Ecuadorean Institute of Social Security (IESS) in the amount of $2,222.8 million which is equivalent to state contributions, including 40% of contributions, during this government. During 2022, he said, there is a budget allocation of $2,580 million, with the goal of not generating debt with the IESS and allocating sufficient Social Security resources to contribute to its sustainability over time.
While the debt registered with the Ministry of Economy with social security for state contributions amounted to $2,023.99 million.
The millionaire debt owed to IESS Health and 40% is already listed in the Financial Debt Prospectus
For health debt, IESS in Health Fund balances provides $4,534 million for medical benefits for retirees, catastrophic illnesses, heads of household, and people with disabilities. These values are subject to pre-assignment audit by Finance. To date, IESS has presented the audited Medicare figures for retirees from 2013 to 2016 at $203 million, of which $140 million has been recognized and paid.
In the afternoon, President Guillermo Laso announced the acceptance of Cueva’s resignation. Then the former minister indicated in a video clip that it was possible to work to control public finances through responsible, transparent and orderly management of public resources. “There has been progress on tax reform with equity, combating evasion, renegotiation of agreements, bilateral commitments and new financing on terms very favorable to the country.”
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He stressed that it would have been possible to keep pace with payments to decentralized autonomous governments, to recognize and start paying IESS’s historic debt, to pay retirement incentives, and to make public accounts transparent. “Today Ecuador is a more credible country at the international level, which is reflected in the unprecedented support received by multilateral organizations, led by President Lasso, and progress will be made in the goal of achieving sustainable and more equitable economic growth for the country, which generates more jobs and strengthens social protection to the most vulnerable sectors with a renewed focus on traditionally marginalized rural sectors, generating well-being and improving quality of life,” was part of his farewell.
Cueva government’s departure was between mutual thanks. It is for President and Lasso for their “impeccable management of public funds”. Although the cabinet adjustments take place 18 days after the pauses called by the Union of Indigenous Nationalities of Ecuador (CONE) and a list of demands to be met, the president emphasized that the changes are not forced by the situation or special circumstances. Instead, they obey the orderly completion of stages within a coherent, long-term vision, each stage requiring different types of leadership at particular times. (YO)
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