Monday, March 10, 2025

Space Revolution: The James Webb Telescope has identified a super-Earth planet with an atmosphere outside our solar system

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55 Cancri e was discovered in 2004 and 20 years later evidence of a possible atmosphere was discovered (NASA, ESA, CSA, R. Crawford (STScI))

exploration Planetary systems Outside the solar system showed amazing results on Creating other worlds. In 2004, by studying the radial velocity of the Sun-like star Copernicus in the constellation Cancer, it was discovered 55 Kankri E. This rocky planet is located 41 light years from EarthRecent investigations using the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) have revealed the likely nature of its formation.

A team of scientists led by Renyu Hu of NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) has published a report Stady in nature They show evidence that the possible exists Secondary atmosphere In 55 Cancri e. “This is the Best evidence so far From the atmosphere of a rocky planet outside our solar system,” they explained from the University of Bern in a press release.

Co-author of the research, Professor of Astrophysics at the University of Bern and member of the National Center for Research Competence (NCCR), Brice-Olivier Demaury, said: “55 Cancri e es One of the most mysterious exoplanets. Despite the enormous amount of observation time that dozens of ground and space facilities have gained over the past decade, their nature has remained elusive — until today, when the pieces of the puzzle can finally be put together thanks to spacecraft’s James Webb. Telescope (JWST).

The exoplanet is uninhabitable due to its extremely close orbit around its star.

It was called as “Super Earth” Due to its larger size than the Earth, its similarity to the planet Neptune, and its composition similar to that of the planet Earth Rocky planets of the solar system. It has a mass of 8.08 Earth masses and orbits a star similar in size and brightness to the Sun.

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However, its temperature Varies diagonally From the floor. Due to its proximity to the star Copernicus, which is greater than Mercury’s proximity to the sun, it only takes… 18 hours to complete the orbit And it’s very hot. These data indicate that its entire surface could be A Magma oceanInstead of being made of solid rock.

Its very close journey to the star provided scientists with the information necessary to reach the conclusion that It does not turn on itselfBut one side of it is immersed in perpetual darkness, while the other receives light at all times. For this reason, although it shares some characteristics with Earth, It is not habitable.

The James Webb Space Telescope was able to capture infrared emissions from 55 Cancri e that imply the presence of a secondary atmosphere

The data provided by JWST was obtained from a study Variation in emitted brightness Through the planetary system. From the University of Bern, they explained the process by which they were able to obtain evidence of a possible atmosphere on the exoplanet: “The team used nercam (near infrared camera) and Merry (Mid-Infrared Instrument) for JWST Infrared light measurement that originates on the planet.”

They compared the brightness values ​​according to the position of 55 Cancri E with respect to Copernicus. They subtracted the total starlight when the planet was behind the star, To the results obtained when the planet It’s placed right next to you. They were thus able to measure “the amount of infrared light coming from the dayside of the planet at multiple wavelengths simultaneously,” allowing scientists to develop a theory about its temperature.

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At first, they assumed that the planet’s surface on the day side must exist 2200°CBut the results showed that Noticeably cooler Than they thought with appreciation 1500°C. “This is a very strong indicator of that Energy is distributed From day side to night side, most likely due to A Rich moody atmosphere“He said. The supposed atmosphere.” Part of it will be absorbed Infrared radiation coming from the magma ocean, which prevents it from being captured by the James Webb Space Telescope, which is why it is The temperature seems to be lower.

Studying the atmosphere of 55 Cancri e could reveal how rocky planets are able to maintain atmospheres rich in gases (Getty)

the term “Secondary atmosphere” Refers to a type of atmosphere that did not arise from the accumulation of layers during the initial stages of planet formation (protoatmosphere), but Product of volcanic activity.

This occurs at 55 Cancri e, since the proximity to its star would have destroyed any primordial atmosphere due to High temperatures and radiation. Scientists assume that the gases are present in the large magma ocean that covers it “They are constantly replenishing resources.” To the planet’s secondary atmosphere. The study explains that “the measurements rule out a scenario in which the planet is a world of lava surrounded by a fragile atmosphere composed of evaporated rocks, and indicate the presence of Volatile atmosphere In good faith, most likely Rich in CO₂ or CO“.

These results prove Large capacity The James Webb Space Telescope must detect and process information about exoplanets, in the hope of finding a habitable planet in the future. Moreover, it should be noted that such promising evidence of the existence of an atmosphere on a planet outside the solar system has never before been discovered, let alone on “A hot, rocky planet highly exposed to radiation“, as reported by the University of Bern.

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Although 55 Cancri e is not considered capable of harboring life, studying the composition of its atmosphere could expand knowledge about the way rocky planets function, and reveal how they manage to maintain their planet. Gas-rich atmosphere Essential for the evolution of life as we know it.

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