Monday, March 10, 2025

Spider-Man No Home: Why Auntie Must Die | Peter Parker | No way to go home | Marvel movies | MCU | nnda nnlt | Fame

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On December 15, the long-awaited movie was released Artists Championship and Zendaya, Benedict Cumberbatch, Jacob Matalon and Marisa Tomey, as well as specials by Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield, former movie stars.

more information: Explanation of the ending of “Spider-Man: No Way Home”

In its first week of release alone, the film broke a new record at the global box office Billion dollar From the set, being the first film to achieve this, despite the limitations COVID-19.

brake alert. One of the losses in this episode was the loss of the character who played before Marisa Tomei, May Parker, the woman who grew up Peter Parker She instilled in him important values ​​that he preserved until the last moment of his life. Next, find out why Aunt May’s death occurred.

May Parker was responsible for teaching him the values ​​that distinguish Peter as Spider-Man (Photo: Sony Pictures)
May Parker was responsible for teaching him the values ​​that distinguish Peter as Spider-Man (Photo: Sony Pictures)

Why would he die?

Unlike other Spidermans, he plays it Tobey Maguire and Andrew GarfieldPeter Parker embodies him Tom Holland He did not face the death of a loved one. The last thing May Parker said before leaving her nephew’s arms was, “With great strength you must also come with great responsibility,” which sounded very similar to what Uncle Ben had to say in Spiderman and The Amazing. Spider-Man.”

According to fantasy writers, it’s time for Peter Parker to pay a heavy price for his good deeds.. “We were at a point where we felt there had to be a loss, a sacrifice, that Peter had to pay a real price for this decision to try to save the bad guys“, pass Eric Somers.

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But why was he chosen? My Parker And not another character? Aunt May was a valuable person in the hero’s life, which is why her death would generate such an impact that he would rethink his values:

“I think it was very clear to many of us that losing Aunt Mae would have really brought us to the point we were trying to do: making this movie where Peter Parker suffers the loss that others have experienced in their first movies.”

Tom Holland explains Peter Parker's "Spider-Man: Homecoming"which, a week after its release, became a huge box office success (Image: Sony Pictures)
Tom Holland plays Peter Parker in “Spider-Man: Homecoming,” which a week after its release became a box office success (Photo: Sony Pictures)

goal achieved

The MCU did not go as planned Uncle Ben and He preferred that May Parker occupy that place in history, in order to have a greater influence on Peter. Because of the closeness he had to the woman who guarded him until his last life and the fight for the right thing, which she herself taught, the young man faced the worst pain of his entire existence:

She was trying to do what I taught her and this made the sacrifice even more difficult, because it exploded in her face and killed her. […]Later He began to question those morals in a way he had never questioned Because they haven’t experienced it that way.”, I finish Chris McKenna.

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Trailer for "Spider-Man: Far From Home".  (Video: Marvel)
Trailer de “Spider-Man: Far From Home”. (Video: Marvel) Void
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