Monday, March 10, 2025

State of the Market – Week 27, 2022

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Week 27 – 2022 Comments

decofrut . logoorange: The volumes of oranges imported into China are gradually increasing, with supplies from South Africa, Morocco and Egypt. Given all origins, cultivars and sizes, the average values ​​of oranges were higher than those recorded in the previous season.

kiwi: The lower movement in the Latin American market continues to indicate lower prices and a deteriorating situation.

pear: The Chilean pear season is drawing to a close in Europe, with the fruit’s last arrival remaining to be marketed.

soft citrusIn the US market, soft citrus prices remain high, although there is a slight negative trend due to increased numbers of arrivals recorded from the Southern Hemisphere.

An apple: A stable market in Asia for bicolor apples, with New Zealand and South Africa dominating the supply. Looking at the prices, these prices have increased compared to the values ​​of the previous campaign.

Below is more information about the supply, demand and price situation in different markets for cherryAnd kiwi, pear, apple and soft citrus. Lemon and orange.

species approach

: Strengthen : Fixed : short

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