Monday, March 10, 2025

Strange markings on bone from more than 300,000 years ago have revealed what our ancestors looked like

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Human ancestors actually relied on fashion not to expose their bodies to adverse environmental conditions.

Strange markings on bone from more than 300,000 years ago have revealed what our ancestors looked like
Leonardo DiCaprio used bear skins, in one of his films, which have proven useful for more than 300,000 years. Vanity Fair

the Coexistence between humans and animals data since thousands of years In due time which is why we have had to learn to deal, sometimes peacefully and other times not so much, with species throughout history. On this occasion, the The supporters she humans more than 300,000 years ago and a animal He is famous for starring in bloody confrontations with them and some of them The species is in danger of extinction in this time.

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Distinctive bones show that man actually met fashion over 300,000 years ago

recent discovery, Documented in digital publication Journal of Human Evolutionin German territory indicates that Hominins at least 320,000 years ago They were already able to use the Bear skins as a temporary shelter. the Discovery has happened bone analysis From the phalanx and comb of the bears caves, where Signs noted at the same Ivo VerhegenZoologist at the University of Tübingen, it states which – which:

The exploitation of bears, especially cave bears, has been a subject of debate for a century, and is relevant not only in the context of human diet, but also in the use of their skins. Finding the origin of this exploitation could contribute to an understanding of survival strategies in the cold and harsh conditions of northwest Europe during the Middle Pleistocene.

A picture of one of the bones found on a German site

A picture of one of the bones found on a German site. Science alert

the German region Where these bones were found, near the municipality of Schöngen in Lower Saxony, was actually found News in the 90s for him Discover ancient artifacts and wooden weapons They date back between 300,000 and 370,000 years ago. There were also boneseven some, like those we have mentioned on this occasion, with Small and accurate pieces. This is amazing the details he relevant Because it indicates that humans used animal meat to feed themselves, but there is not a lot of meat on the fingers to do so.

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That’s when theory that these Bones are not marked In process feedbut they were separated from the skin to be used winter coat. Still, the question remains How did they manage to use this skinBecause it is necessary to remove it from the animal as soon as possible after its death. Therefore, the strategy of waiting for the natural death of the animal does not appear to be helpful in this case. Ivo Verheijen has the answer:

If adult specimens are found at an archaeological site, this is usually considered an indication of hunting. In Shungen, all bones and teeth found belong to adult specimens.

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