After three years without broadcast and with an unknown due to the uncertainty of the date, “Weird things” 2022 is back with its fourth season on the streaming service Netflix.
The series is back with Nine episodeswhich was already enjoyed and conquered the audience again.
Now, recently, the creators of the series, Dover brothersit is indicated some modifications Which they made in fiction and fans didn’t even notice.
The last thing that was known was that they would change Will Beyer’s birthdayFrom March 22 to May 22, after they made the mistake of completely forgetting about it. They asserted in an interview that they call these movements “George Lucas’ work.”
in this context, The production decided to “protect” one of the main characters And they decided to cut a controversial scene that few might remember.
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Which scene from Stranger Things was deleted?
in the first season, Will Byers He was kidnapped by Demogorgon and took to upside down worldso their loved ones embark on a desperate search.
sometime in history, Jonathan Byershis brother, heads into the woods with a camera and stumbles upon a private party at a house Steve Harringtonwhich was also Nancy Wills. In this scene, the young woman reaches Steve’s room and undresses, as Jonathan decides to photograph her at that moment.

This scene that happened in the second episode of the first installment was cut short. Now, if we go to that moment on the catwalk, we can see Nancy undressing and only Jonathan sees him taking the camera without being photographed.
However, in another scene from the next chapter, the image of the young woman without her clothes is noted, so it is clear that this act happened, since it was already filmed, but no longer appears in the series.

So far, no one has given an official explanation about it, but TVLine It is estimated that the production of “Stranger Things” is trying to clean up the image of Jonathan Byers, as he is currently one of the most heroic characters in the series.
Matt and Ross Dover They were consulted about this, but preferred not to comment on anything.
Source: Bolavip
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