Sunday, March 9, 2025

Summer challenge to fall in love with your best version

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Arrival of good weather It’s the time of year when everyone wants to take care of themselves a little more. It is that moment when many decide to incorporate healthy habits into their lives: eat more fruits and vegetables, incorporate exercise more frequently, walk on the beach or in the mountains, meditate to calm outside noises…that help us take care of ourselves inside and out. Great way to addbut more than all those small gestures is to join in SuperTú challenge proposed by Pompadour To help you be the best version of yourself.

ora balanced dietOutdoor physical activity and proper hydration are three key points to getting your vacation at its best. first two points They run away from you. for the thirdFortunately, you can get help from a multi-injection Pompadour. Three infusions, along with an active life, sun and a balanced diet, is the way to become your very own SuperYou. The challenge is divided into three moments throughout the day. You’ll instantly realize how easy it is and how much you’ll feel with this little gesture.

waking up moment

Horsetail It is a plant that has been studied since ancient times. Recently, the Complutense University School of Pharmacy in Madrid reported that taking it has beneficial effects on the urinary system and that it helps prevent fluid retention.

Pompadour, injection, get fit

Cola de Caballo Plus 3 has a light pineapple flavor that you’ll love.


Horsetail Plus 3 infusion upon waking is the perfect way to face the day. In addition to enjoying the smooth touch of pineapple, you will naturally eliminate fluids while eliminating toxins that build up in your body.

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desktop moment

After eating, in a relaxed conversation after a meal, it may be time Pompadour infusion to burn fat. A blend of natural ingredients includes green and red tea, horsetail, guarana and ginkgo. Imagine the cup in your hands and the scent of all those herbs that enrich the environment. Combine it with a varied and balanced dietThis combination helps you take care of your streak and enjoy the pleasant strawberry flavor.

Pompadour, injection, get fit

The fat-burning pompadour infusion, combined with an active life, will help you maintain your figure.


sunset moment

It’s time to stop, disconnect, say goodbye to problems and just focus on ourselves. The ritual of preparing the infusion, feeling its aroma, taking the warm cup in your hands, tasting it and observing beneficial effect In every cell of our body. with Pompadour Delgaxan Plus Soak You’ll add more positive action with a simple, inexpensive habit.

Pompadour, injection, get fit

Ending the day with Delgaxan Plus will help you in a natural way to maintain your weight.


Delgaxan Plus formula contains sen (angustifolia cassia), a plant that has been shown to have laxative effects. The accompanying artichoke, with its recognized diuretic properties, is the best booster to end the day From the SuperTú challenge that Pompadour wants to help you fall in love with your best version before this summer.

Falling in love with you has a reward

We start today Super Challenge? to remember: Three multiple payments per day for three weeks. Three multiple batches, along with an active life and healthy diet, will help you be the best version of yourself. Now, be your best version He has a prize: A refreshing can of Pompadour cold water drink and a glass bottle so you can take it with you wherever you go.

To share and get your giftyou only need Collect three different tokens Which you will find in the selected packages with the promotion and then enter it on the web If you are one of the first 3000 participants to complete the challenge, you will receive gifts at home for free. Don’t forget that you can combine the three symbols as you like.

You can find the three injections Which is part of the SuperTú challenge in the usual supermarket or In Pompadour Online Store.

Give yourself the time and affection you deserve every day.

Pompadour, injection, get fit

To beat the challenge, simply drink these infusions daily for three weeks.


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