Friday, March 14, 2025

Take care of your mental health with the 10 tips of psychologists Cecilia Martin and Marina García

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Physical health is useless if we don’t take care of it Psychological health. It is important to keep this in mind in order to be able to give the best of ourselves in our personal and professional lives and to be happy.

[El drama de la salud mental: el 43% de los españoles se siente “mal o muy mal” emocionalmente]

We spoke with my manager Psicode Institute of Psychology in Madrid, Alicante and Valladolid, Cecilia Martin Sanchez s Marina Garcia Fuentes. They both founded it in 2006. It started as a small office for them. They were consulting in Madrid, in the Salamanca neighborhood, and after 17 years, the team is made up of Twelve psychologists distributed between Madrid, Alicante and Valladolid. “We never stop growing with each passing year,” they point out.

Being a team made up of a large number of professionals, they cover almost all disciplines of clinical psychology in the treatment of children and adults, “but if we have to highlight one specialization it is couples therapy”.

Ten tips for taking care of mental health:

  1. Take time to take care of yourself: exercise, take care of your diet, respect your sleep cycles and take care of your body.
  2. Avoid impulsive stressAvoid filling your day with tasks and activities that make you run all over the place. Find time to rest, to be bored and even have “time to waste time”, which means having a better quality of life.
  3. Avoid negative thoughts Excessive guilt when you make a mistake.
  4. Focus on the positive things Have in the Present and Avoid Worrying Thoughts About the Future: Many times we have a hard time imagining disastrous future consequences that never happen.
  5. Do not neglect your social and recreational lifeIsolation and lack of rewarding activities can be a cause of depression.
  6. Take your time to stop pause. For this, meditation is the best resource.
  7. Express yourself when you feel like something is bothering you. Just like when you want to tell someone that they’re doing something right, saying it helps to get along with you and you’ll avoid moments of anxiety and frustration.
  8. Express your love to the people you love: Smile at them, hug them, tell them how important they are to you. Whatever we give to others actually comes back to us Boomerang.
  9. Think about your life. Think about whether you are following the values ​​that matter to you. Stop and analyze every day if you think you are going where you want to go or where other people want you or what society imposes on you. Feeling aligned with our values ​​gives consistency to our lives, removes emptiness, and helps us prevent frustration and low moods.
  10. finally, Reduce demands on yourself and others. Put aside the “thoughts you must or I must…” that bother us so much because we can’t reach everything we ask of ourselves. We can’t be “super workers, super moms, super friends…”. Being more flexible and tolerant of ourselves and others will help us be happy in our day.
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