Monday, March 10, 2025

Terinja Greninja in Pokémon Scarlet and Purple: How to participate and tricks

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new 7 Star Red reach to Pokémon scarlet and purple. As always, these challenges will be available for a limited time only, over two weekends in January and February 2023, and the hero is Grinevwith a poisoned type.

If you have already passed the game and post-game, and have unlocked 7-star Teraincursions, you will be able to participate in this event and get Pokémon, which will be a great challenge for you: Note: Best Pokemon to defeat Greninja.

Here we explain when these Terincursions of Pokémon scarlet and purpleWhat requirements do you need to participate, and the best strategies.

Pokémon scarlet and purple

When does the Greninja Raid event start?

This incursion occurs over a period of two weeks. If you don’t get it in the first weekend, you’ll have another second chance two weeks later to train and achieve your Pokémon.

Make a note of the dates and times of the Greninja event, on the exact date CET (Spanish Peninsular Time):

  • From Friday January 27th at 01:00, to Monday January 30th at 00:59
  • From Friday 10 February at 01:00, to Monday 13 January at 00:59 (CEST, Spanish Peninsula time)

Terms of participation

Pokémon scarlet and purple Teracrystal teraincursion

You cannot participate in these Tera-raid events completely. They are bred for those players that they have After the game And rotate Endgame Academy a few times, so you can fully train your Pokemon.

-You must be connected to the Internet: The game will not connect itself unless you enter the Poképortal and connect by pressing L.

It will automatically download the latest news from the Poképortal, and you will be able to Find Terincursion somewhere on the mapyou will recognize it by it being a black symbol, with the teratype symbol it has (in Cincerace’s case, a fight).

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-You must have passed the game and part of the post gameSpecifically, you must have watched the credits of the game and then completed Grand Academy Fighting Tournamentwhich requires winning a rematch with all 8 gym leaders and then winning a four-game tournament in a row at Plateau City Academy.

You must have passed at least 10 tracks of 4 or 5 stars So you get 6 and 7 star teraincursions (which are those events).

Eye: This does not mean that you cannot participate if you have not passed the subsequent game. If a friend invites you to their online tracks, you can share. Another thing is that you have enough Pokemon to stand up to him…

-You must pay for Nintendo Switch Online to be able to play teraids online: You will not need to participate in it, but if you do not have the money paid online, you will play with coaches controlled by artificial intelligence.

– Only one Terincursion comes out daily for each player, although you can repeat it as many times as you like until you win. You can only capture one at a time. You can then help other players and get other rewards, such as EXP Candy and Teralites, but you can only catch them once.

Best Pokemon to beat Greninja

The popular Geninja comes to Pokémon Scarlet and Purple with a Teratype cmwhen crystallized, and with species Water and evilso it will be weaker against Electric or Grass Pokémon, and stronger against Rock or Ground Pokémon: Avoid them.

Another thing to keep in mind is that they are immune to water-type moves, which Greninja will use. Like all of the Pokemon in these events lately, it’s level 100, so it’s best to have other Pokemon with similar levels. The good Pokemon that the community used to defeat are:

  • Gastrodon
  • Somaya
  • klifki
  • Rotom wash
  • Vaporeon
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