Monday, March 10, 2025

‘THAT EXPERIENCE WAS A POSITIVE’: The original ‘Han Solo’ directors opened up about being fired

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Phil Lord and Chris Miller were originally to sign on to the spin-off of Han Solo Starring: Alden Ehrenreich, Emilia Clarke, Woody Harrelson, and Donald Glover. The movie, which was released in 2018, was in the final stages of development, and eventually the two directors were fired from Lucasfilm after its acquisition by Disney and then Ron Howard entered the scene. The film was shot again, for the most part, and both directors looked for new directions to continue their careers as normal. Many years later, they both confessed what they thought of this cruel act of Pete Mouse and how they have been since. The biggest surprise is that both Lord and Miller claim to have had a good experience out of it..

Phil Lord and Chris Miller both see their bad Star Wars experience as a positive

A large part of that experience has been positive.Lord began in an interview Rolling stones. “We work with so many wonderful crew members and Creature Shop, these amazing artisans in London, and a great crew in general. They just can’t do without the experience you get after several days of filming. This stays with you and this made us the best film makersThe truth is, working on a Star Wars movie, or on a series, must be a very rich process, with a thousand and one extremely talented workers in many of its creative departments. Miller also took sides in the interview adding some statements to his colleague’s, emphasizing that The class has only made her stronger over time.

Ron Howard provided already-made footage for the Han Solo spin-off.

“And then that gave us a push to make things that feel fresh and original and new and interesting, and we have a great thing to take and bring things into the world that are unlike anything you’ve seen before. And that was a strength. Before, and even more so after,” he commented. Yes, It’s important to remember that Star Wars was a standalone movie. And it’s important, anyway, that we continue to be independent voices even as we make these big franchises for the big studios.” Lord and Miller want to continue offering free products And that they are not associated with great privileges. and if so, Try giving it a roll so it can be distinguishedLike the animated Spider-Man movies.

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