Wednesday, February 5, 2025

The Baldur’s Gate 3 community is asking developers to add a core feature

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In most games, many gamers are happy to see developers include shortcuts or tools that improve the comfort of the game, known as “Quality of lifeHowever, in the case of Baldur’s Gate 3, lUsers are highly requesting a feature to improve accessibility In this role-playing game.

This is a reminder window that will appear when the spell is focused. through a Reddit topic, players ask for an option to activate reminders. This would be practical As the game does not mention it and it is not noticed by some players.

This is the element that has remained true to the ‘Dungeons and Dragons’ installments, the series on which the ‘Baldur’s Gate’ saga was based. In role-playing games like this, when casting a spell, the character in question must focus and direct their energy to successfully perform the magic. This action will be preserved, even if the character interacts with other characters or objects..

This can be a little confusing, because if you stay in a state of “concentrationIf you wish to cast another spell, the first will be canceled and replaced by the second. You must repeat this procedure until the spell is ready to cast.

However, some users may not be aware of this aspect, as the game does not clearly explain how spells work and the concept of “the channel“.

Only those who have enjoyed the franchise and “Dungeons & Dragons” know about these features. For this reason, the community requests a pop-up to remind them when they are about to cancel the effect of the spell they are focusing on.

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Features that enhanceQuality of lifeIn games it is common, but what was acceptable in Diablo 3 is now forbidden in Diablo 4. If they find out that you are using it, they can suspend your account.

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