Monday, March 10, 2025

The charm of the sober empire “lists”

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The interference of US governments in the countries of America is long-standing. Since their independence, and perhaps even before, outsiders have considered America to the south of their nation an integral part of their domestic politics. With the arrogance that characterizes empires, they did not respect their borders or the concept of the nation-state and established themselves as the “Modern Torquemada Inquisition” based in Washington. Their ostentatious wars against the threats of communism, terrorism, drug trafficking or the defense of human rights have left disastrous experiences in which the oligarchy and major interests associated with the market society have been complicit in our region.

Among the tools the investigator has used to try to maintain his dominance are lists full of political interests compiled by the US State Department to convict “heretics”. Thus, among other things, the list of “countries sponsoring international terrorism” appeared in 1979, in which Cuba was unfairly included, without providing evidence of its accusations.

The last thing that was invented is a List of corrupt and anti-democracy actors or Angel List, which gives its name to the All-New Enhanced Settlement Act of the Northern Triangle of the United States, issued in 2020. This file has nothing to do with the German scientist accompanying Karl Marx; It even bears the name of US Congressman Eliot Engel, the patron of the law who put the law into practice. Since its approval, it has been applied only in four countries in Central America (Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador and Nicaragua), and, according to reports, it has been marred by errors and omissions, of a transnational character, in violation of the sovereignty and freedom of determination of peoples.

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Most recently (in July), the country selected to appear in court was Paraguay and they included in the first round, former Colorado Party president and Paraguayan businessman Horacio Cartes (and his children), for alleged money laundering. He described it as “totally corrupt”. Yankee Secretary of State Anthony Blinken himself reported that: “These actions (crimes that Cartes are accused of from the United States) have undermined the stability of Paraguay’s democratic institutions, by contributing to public perceptions of corruption and impunity within the office of the President of Paraguay.

Paradoxically, the oligarchy in Paraguay and right-wing politicians were silent about the position of frank interference of the United States in the internal affairs of the country, which contrasts with the scandals caused by these politicians when several countries in the region spoke out against the coup. Parliamentarian who removed Bishop of the Poor Fernando Lugo in June 2012 from his position as president. On that date, they were accused in a scandal of countries that opposed the coup of “interfering in the internal affairs of the country.” But now they erase the word “sovereign” and clap like seals.

Nor did the oligarchs talk about the intervention last week, when Yankee Ambassador Mark Otville at a news conference in Asuncion announced the new ruling of the Holy Inquisition (sorry, I meant the USA government list), including two other officials: Juan Duarte, legal counsel for the Entidad Binacional Yaceyretá (EBY) which operates the hydroelectric power plant on the border between Argentina and Paraguay; As well as current Vice President Hugo Velazquez (and his family), accused of alleged involvement in “significant acts of corruption”. Bowing his spine and lowering his head in a respectful (or servile?) manner, Velazquez declared, “I have always considered myself an ally of the Americans and will seek access to the documents so that I can defend myself” and de factoHe resigned from his position as Vice President and from the presidential candidacy of the ruling Colorado Party he headed before the general election in 2023.

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Of course, the pear cannot be asked about the elm tree if we take into account that in 2018, the incumbent President Mario Abdo Benítez and the oligarch of Paraguay announced with great fanfare the inauguration of the US police agencies of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). ) in the country, under the pretext of “monitoring money laundering and organized crime, among other punishable acts”, a case which from that moment found the gracious rejection and condemnation of the FG, considering it “an intervention by the Yankees in the Guarani Land”.

In order not to be left behind in the complicity, major Latin American media argue that “By listing Cartes and Maito Abdo government officials on the list of corrupt persons and organizations, the Joe Biden government seeks to show that the fight against corruption is a priority.” Some come to thank the United States On presenting such “important evidence”, forgetting that what the Yankees had discovered was an open secret for years in Paraguay and they had multiple Paraguayan complaints before the state attorney general Sandra Quinones; who did not act before the evidence they put in their possession is a complete ode to corruption and eternal surrender.

What has been said so far is just a sample from one of the chapters of the novel Love, Surrender and Slavery of the stateless bourgeoisie of our continent, before the dictates of the Empire, which used diabolical methods as part of its geopolitics. In what is considered your backyard. Of course, this is the attitude of the seven-month-old that José Martí talked about Our Americaan adjective for those who have forgotten the phrase General of Free Men, Augusto Cesar Sandino, when he expressed “Sovereignty is not discussed, it is defended with arms in hand.”.

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