Monday, March 10, 2025

The Colombian government and the National Liberation Army (ELN) resume peace talks in Caracas today

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Agencies | EITB modes

Peace negotiations began in 2017 with Juan Manuel Santos, but were abandoned in 2019 with Ivan Duque’s government after a guerrilla attack. Gustavo Petro is now resuming talks to achieve a “comprehensive peace”.

Euskaraz irakurri: Kolonbiako Gobernuak eta ELNk gaur berrabiaraziko dituzte bake elkarrizketak, Caracasen, lau urteren osteon

The Colombian government and the guerrilla war of the National Liberation Army (ELN) resume Monday in Caracas Peace talks stopped four years agowhich is not yet known the total composition of the bargaining teams.

On the government side, Asma Ote Patinoex-fighter of the M-19 who will be the head of the negotiation team, president of the Colombian Federation of Cattle Animals (Fedegan), Jose Felix Laforesworn enemy of guerrilla warfare.

It was speculated that members of Congress would also be part of the government team Maria Jose Pizarrothe daughter of Carlos Pizarro, an M-19 commander who signed a guerrilla demobilization and, shortly after, in 1990, was assassinated while running for president; And the Evan Cepedawho has always advocated peace talks.

A step forward

Since his accession to the presidency, Gustavo Petro has emphasized that one of his government’s priorities is “full peace”an initiative whose dialogue with the National Liberation Army is the cornerstone, It started in 2017 by then-president Juan Manuel Santos and suspended the following year by decision of Ivan Duque, Petro’s predecessor in the presidency.

Under this policy, Petro also seeks agreement or submission to justice for other illegal armed groups, such as FARC defectors and criminal gangs.

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guerrilla National Liberation Army (ELN) It is the last left-wing armed group still operating in the country after the signing of the peace agreement by the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia in 2016.

The ELN has benefited in recent years from the power vacuum left by the demobilization of the FARC in some areas, taking advantage of the absence of the state to expand its area of ​​operations, and will forcefully reach the negotiations. The table is in Venezuela, a country that has experienced significant expansion.

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