Monday, March 10, 2025

The Council will spend €423,500 on the drafting of the new Arturo Eyries Health Centre project.

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The Junta de Castilla y León, through the Ministry of Health, will disburse 423,500 euros for the tender for the drafting of the basic and implementation project, as well as the project management and health and safety coordination of the construction works that will be the new Arturo Eyries Health Center and Continuing Care Point in the Western Valladolid Health Region.

The project, with an area of ​​more than 3,100 square meters, is one of the actions provided for in the Priority Social Investment Plan 2021-2025 of the Regional Executive. The Arturo Eyries Health Center currently houses the primary care team, an outpatient consultation area, the radiology unit and the physiotherapy unit of the Rio Hortega University Hospital. Also located here are the inspection area of ​​the Western Zone of Valladolid, the Arturo Eyries PAC and the base of the Basic Life Support Unit of the Southern Zone of the city of Pisuerga.

The issue of developing, adapting and growing the building to new healthcare needs has been solved over the years in existing spaces, with facilities sharing primary care and hospital care. However, today, these remain rare and do not allow us to provide an effective service to users, as the Board of Directors itself has acknowledged.

Given this context of need to improve, expand and modernize the infrastructure, the Department of Primary Care has proposed the construction of a new building on the site adjacent to the existing one. This new property will house the Arturo Eyries Health Center and the Continuing Care Point of Valladolid Oeste, in an urban area.

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The plan prepared by Sasil, on the basis of which the basic project will have to be developed before tendering for construction works, foresees a useful area of ​​2,096 square metres for the new health centre, without relying on communication centres, corridors, etc. It will also have an arrival area and a lobby of 135 square metres including a reception with six spaces, an archive, a waiting area and patient care.

The 125 square metre administrative support area will contain offices for the social worker, coordinator and nursing director, a library/meeting room and a teaching/conference room.

The primary care consultation area, covering 1,065 square metres, has a total of 33 consultations – family medicine, nursing, pediatrics and multi-purpose – plus a lactation room, a technical room (with spirometry and retinal imaging), dressings, a technical operating room (ultrasound) and a minor surgery operating room.

For the extraction and analysis area, an area of ​​70 square meters was planned, including the linen room and autoclave; as well as the waiting room.

Obstetric psycho-prevention unit (preparation for childbirth and care for women) with an area of ​​117 square meters. There will be a midwife’s office, a multi-purpose room, a changing room with toilet and shower, a storage room and a waiting room.

The area dedicated to physiotherapy and rehabilitation will be 180 square metres, dedicated to holding a physiotherapy consultation, two boxes, a physiotherapy room, a storeroom, changing rooms and a waiting area.

The mental health unit of this health centre will have an area of ​​74 square metres. It is planned to have a psychiatric, psychological and mental health nurse consultation and two waiting rooms.

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The 66 square metre oral health unit is planned to include an office for a dentist and oral hygienist, a storeroom and a waiting room.

Finally, the building’s public services area is 264 square meters. It will include various warehouses, accessible public toilets (five in total), changing rooms, staff toilets, facilities, a computer communications room and a professional lounge.

The functional plan foresees, on the plot, the necessary parking spaces according to current regulations. All this with controlled access to the area reserved for workers.

The tender includes, in addition to everything mentioned regarding the Arturo Ayres Health Center, the construction of a new Continuous Care Point (PAC) to attend to primary care emergencies in the Western Valladolid Health Region. The building planned has a useful area of ​​1,033 square meters and a total of 71 areas/spaces.

Specifically, the PAC will have a 65 square metre access area with a reception, waiting and patient care area, as well as an administrative office.

The 56 square metre triage area will contain consultation for patient triage, other on-demand shared management and a waiting room.

The monitoring and treatment area, with a planned area of ​​55 square metres, will contain an emergency care room, a room with four treatment chairs, an observation room and two positive/negative pressure boxes.

As for the continuing care consultation area, measuring 257 square metres, the functional layout designed by Sacyl provides for six doctors’ consultations, an operating room (ultrasound/ENT/ophthalmology), a dressing and plastering room, a dressing and autoclave room and six waiting rooms.

The PAC will have a 61 square metre radiological diagnostic area, with an X-ray room, two cabins, a control room and a waiting room.

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Regarding the Basic Life Support Unit (BLS), the Castilian and Leon Government project envisages a surface area of ​​145 square meters. with a seating area, two rest areas, storage, toilets, changing rooms, vehicle washroom, decontamination area and garage.

The PAC will also have 85 square meters of administrative support space. It will contain an administrative office, a coordinator’s office, a nursing director’s office and a meeting room.

Finally, the service area, planned for 309 square metres, will consist of several warehouses, public toilets, changing rooms, heating and electrical installations, a staff lounge and eight bedrooms with their own bathroom.

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