Sunday, March 9, 2025

The Earth’s axis is tilted by about a meter, and this is why – People – Culture

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During the past decades The Earth was constantly changinga study conducted by NASA noted that the planet’s central axis showed a “slight” imbalance. Many experts indicated that the Earth tilted about 80 centimetres.

The scientific community has shown great interest in the tilt of the Earth’s axis, as they confirm this This could affect groundwater extraction. Which are often used for human consumption, agriculture, industry, etc.

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Increasing the speed of the Earth’s rotation can have many effects.

NASA points this out This “small movement” has been happening since 1993 It is a result of over-extraction of groundwater, with about 2,150 gigatons of fluid removed.

The Mexican Institute of Water Technology says so Excessive extraction of groundwater leads to a decline in the water table Consequently, the contribution of water from the aquifer to rivers and oceans decreases, which greatly affects the lifestyle of humanity and wildlife around the world.

Likewise, the tilt of Earth’s central axis can also have an impact on climate impacts or generate extreme weather, such as drought, floods, or very heavy rain. On the other hand, during different times of the year, in different places on Earth It receives direct sunlight due to the slight tilt‘This affects different crops and people’s skin health.

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The University of Zurich conducted a study and confirmed this More than 9.6 billion tons of glacial ice have melted since 1961As of 2016, this has caused sea levels to rise by 27 mm.

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Why did the Earth’s axis shift?

Earth's core

The next primary rotation was scheduled to occur in 2040.

In a study published in the journal Geophysical Research Letters, Ki and Yeon Seo, director of the research, indicated that Mass displacement and sea level rise are caused by groundwater extraction.

According to what was reported by the newspaper “El Confidencial”. This phenomenon will be one of the surprising effects of the Anthropocenethe geological era in which we find ourselves which is fundamentally defined by the impact of great works of engineering and the rest of human activity on the planet.

According to the researcher, The Earth’s rotation pole changes dramatically, and the redistribution of groundwater is the factor most influencing this phenomenon. The logic behind this is: The way water is distributed affects mass, similar to the way you add weight to a spinning top.

What are the consequences?

Changes in Earth’s rotation caused by groundwater pumping are gradual and will not be noticed immediately. However, over thousands of years, they could have a significant impact on climate, according to Surendra Adhikari, a researcher at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory.

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The location of groundwater pumping is key to determining how much the Earth’s axis of rotation has changed. Places located in mid-latitudes have a greater effect, as they contain a greater mass of water. In the study in question, the largest amount of water was pumped into western North America and northwestern India, both in mid-latitudes.

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