Movement in the first circle of government. he Super advisor A PhD in mental health in Catalonia turned his company into a foundation after criticism over his combination of his dual position in the public and private sectors. Joanne Vigdirector of the Mental Health and Addiction Master Plan, moved to a non-profit entity after the controversy the medium generated.
It has been approved by the Psychology and Psychiatry Group vegetarian, Center for Psychology of Barcelona (CPB), at a general meeting of shareholders held at the end of June. With this movement, the service provider, in which the Chief Medical Officer is in charge, is shifting from a Public Limited Company (SA) to an organization after censoring the sector to chart the government’s roadmap on mental health, benefiting from measures and hurting competitors.
The supply part is divided
The change focuses on the “Partial Branch of the Care Activity Branch of the Public Mental Health Network”, which has been merged into A private CPB institution serving mental health. In addition, the nonprofit entity assumes the assets and liabilities of the company.
CPB Day Hospital, headquarters for both the company and the new institution
The agreement has been signed rosa Verdager, General Manager of CPB Barcelona SA, W Jana Fabregasand his daughter and president of the homonymous corporation. The company and the foundation are headquartered at the same address and have Vegué as medical director and member of the board of directors.
“It’s a face-lift.”
The institutional change, which will be another change in the structure of health service providers in Catalonia, is marked by accusations against it vegetarian To bring together the public and private sectors. He was denounced, for example, by public health officials, who demanded his resignation due to a “conflict of interest”.
Now, after turning into a corporation, they warn the sector that re-incorporation “is going for it CPB It can be seen better, because squeak That the joint stock company be a supplier to the Ministry of Health, especially that the Egyptian Red Crescent is responsible for it, and that it undertakes the provision of public services through outsourcing.
However, the change comes after Crónica Global revealed the appointment of Joanne Vigi before Former Minister the health Josep Maria Argemon (Rim) in the spring of 2022 will raise dust in the sector. It was like this because Vegué has to advise on the sector in which he is involved.
Joanne Vigee, with the former Minister of Health, Josep Maria Argemon, in the background
Indeed, its decisions have consequences for its competitors, such as the Hospitallers of Saint-Jean-de-Dieu. This medium also spelled the end to the long-term incarceration of the seriously mentally ill, which he advocates vegetarianbenefiting your company and detrimental to Sant Joan de Déu appliances, by putting up at least 12 million a year.
a job
This is because the roadmap to ending incarceration for severe mental patients benefits the Chinese Communist Party’s day hospitals, which already charge more than ten million a year through outsourcing from CatSalut.
but she also, vegetarian He accepted the position in 2022 after allowing a match between CPB Barcelona, which is sponsored, and TLP Barcelona, a 100% private borderline personality disorder treatment centre. The second was maintained with the help of the first and thus, with public resources, alerting the sources in the sector.
CEO Real Estate
Likewise, it’s ugly that the government’s top advisor didn’t get involved in his company’s real estate business by partying with CatSalut. It is not for nothing that CPB rents out some of the premises of its private clinics to a real estate agency Rosa VerdagerGeneral Manager of CPB, whose name is Probush SL. This creates a circle of attraction for public resources.
A general mental health center has been outsourced by CatSalut to CPB Barcelona
In addition, brooch Critics add that she is also responsible for the maintenance of the sanitary equipment that was arranged with Salud, and thus the re-infusion of public money is greater.
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