Monday, March 10, 2025

The Galician Public Health System Advisory Board encourages Sergas to continue progressing the implementation of the multidisciplinary modules

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The Minister of Health, Julio García Comisana, promised this week to move forward with the creation and implementation of new multidisciplinary care units after listening to the recommendations in this regard formulated by the Advisory Board of the Public Health System of Galicia.

García Comesaña and Director of Sergas, Estrella López-Pardo, participated this week in the monthly meeting of the highest advisory and advisory body of the Ministry of Health, made up of professionals with long experience and recognized prestige in the public health of the Galician health system. At this meeting, Board members exposed the Department’s management team, through a presentation by Dr. José Castillo, to a series of proposals backed by scientific studies that endorse and recommend progress in organizing the designated care approach. Operations through interdisciplinary modules where the knowledge of health professionals from different disciplines is integrated.

In this regard, the Minister recalled the progress made by Xunta de Galicia in this regard by approving in October 2021 the Ordinance regulating the creation, composition, organization and operation of multidisciplinary functional units of healthcare in the Galician Health Service, thus fulfilling the unanimous mandate of the Parliament of Galicia that Xunta organize and harmonize Breast units are multidisciplinary and developing those for other diseases.

This was preceded by the experience of creating a multidisciplinary * post-examination unit in each of the seven health areas in April of the same year, with a team of professionals from various disciplines, where the hard core was formed by specialists in the primary stage. Care, internal medicine, pulmonology and nursing. Through them, they are beginning to assess and treat the effects of pathology in the medium and long term in people who have had Covid-19 disease.

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After the publication of the order, health districts began to complete the process of adapting breast care units, which had already been doing their work for years, to the requirements and requirements of the new regulatory system.

In parallel, and within the framework of the Galicia strategy for rare diseases adopted in 2021, the Galician government launched at the beginning of 2022 three multidisciplinary units for patients with rare diseases in Vigo, A Coruña and Santiago whose teams are trained, at least, by a specialist in internal medicine He specializes in pediatrics and is a professional nurse.

These units have already been formed according to the procedure specified in the organizational arrangement, with the approval of the functional plan for each of them and the formation of the corresponding clinical committee and with the authorization of the General Directorate with specializations in health care affairs.

This process is repeated with the formation of multidisciplinary care units for diseases related to the female pelvic floor. After the approval in October 2022 by the Consello da Xunta of their general criteria document, each of the seven health areas forms its own unit with specialists from various specialties, including gynecology, obstetrics, urology or personal rehabilitation as well as obstetric-nursing specializing in Gynecologists (midwives) and physiotherapists.

Based on the Shura Council’s proposal, the advisor promised to promote the expansion of units of this type and stimulate the departments’ initiative to promote new creations.

Advisory Board of the Public Health System of Galicia

The Advisory Council of the Public Health System of Galicia was created in 2005 as a non-collective body supreme for consultation and advice of the Ministry of Health, and is directly dependent on the Minister of Health.

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It has up to 20 members drawn from specialists in the Galician health system and persons with recognized competence related to scientific or technical activity in the fields of public health, health care, education, training and research.

It is chaired by Dr. José María Martinón and serves as Vice President Mercedes Carreras Viñas. The rest of its current members are Francisco Javier Carballo, Ángel Carracido, Emilio Casarego, Enrique Castellón, Jose Castillo, Manuel Diaz Lopez, Ángel Jorge Echeverri, Berta García Fraguela, Juan Jesús Justal, Francisco Lopez Ruiz, Francisco Martillo Moleto, and José Guerrero. and Belén Piñeiro, Joaquin Potel, Manuel Salgueiro, Juan Turnes and Luciano Vidán.

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