Monday, March 10, 2025

The iKnife is not an Apple device, but a smart scalpel capable of ‘sniffing out’ tumors in a matter of seconds

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Scientific advances now make it possible to deliver diagnostics in real time.

The iKnife is not an Apple device, but a smart scalpel capable of 'sniffing out' tumors in a matter of seconds
Image of a smart scalpel capable of detecting tumors. Imperial College London

They say nature is wise, but we have examples to question this statement, such as the case of A zombie bug infected with a fungus that controls the brain Or the dreaded cancer. However, the human being He is capable of it Alleviating some of Mother Nature’s “mistakes”.as with a tool whom we just met and he is capable of detection of a malignant tumor in a few seconds. Another step in the fight against cancer.

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They were scholars at Imperial College London, through A Published in the digital journal Cancersthose who showed a Scientific progress Could have a great draft in Diagnosis of uterine cancer. The tool they named iKnifeIt allows an accurate diagnosis to be made for patients who have had a uterine tissue biopsy and who have had bleeding problems in the past.

one of the Great features of this device Does it can Determine if the sample is carcinogenic or not in question Seconds, which can result in starting treatment as soon as possible in order to mitigate it. In the Research From the team of scientists 150 women participated, who had samples taken from the uterus through a device called a Pipelle. Later, the researchers used the iKnife to analyze it. This scalpel cuts tissue s emitted young Download electric and pick up f vapor analysis from which it stems. This is a technology called mass spectrometry It is used to find Cancer Alerts.

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the The final step he Enter the data into the program of the device, which will be able to Find phospholipids, those alerts that we mentioned before, providing really quick diagnosis. the Diagnostic accuracy from iKnife 89%, which means that it is able to differentiate between normal and cancerous tissues with a high success rate. the Mrs. Sadaf Qaem Magamione of the lead authors of the research, guarantee which – which:

iKnife has the potential to completely revolutionize the way we treat women who visit fast-track clinics who have experienced abnormal vaginal bleeding with a possible diagnosis of uterine cancer. With such high diagnostic accuracy, we can assure women that they are unlikely to develop cancer if the iKnife result is negative, and order further tests, scans and treatment for those biopsies that indicate the presence of disease.

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