Wednesday, March 12, 2025

The infrastructure plan will include education and health projects in its modernization | Economie

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Eduardo Gonzalez, Director of the Specialized Monitoring Team at the Ministry of Economy and Finance, said that the Ministry of Economy and Finance is working on updating the National Competitiveness Infrastructure Plan (PNIC), which will include projects related to the education and health sectors. MEF investment.

According to the sector, the update will be for the period from 2022 to 2025, to be published this month.

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New version in the works [del PNIC] Which we hope will be approved this month, which seeks to correct the problems that occurred in the first version, complete it by expanding it with education and health projects, and allow special mechanisms for greater implementation of the PNC, including a regional dimension. What is the impetus for the PNIC, and above all, that allows the abolition of the solution of problems found in the implementation of various projects”, he expressed this during his participation in the 1st International Conference on Engineering and Construction, organized by the Chamber of Commerce of Lima.

On the progress, he indicated that the plan, which currently consists of 52 projects, had implemented 6,634 million dollars, with a down payment of 19.5%, until June of this year.

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There is great progress in this regard. Between July 2019 and December 2020, approximately $1.1 billion was executed. Between January 21 and June 22, $1.8 billion was invested‘, narrowed.

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As the former head of the Ministry of Transport and Communications (MTC) explained that 6 projects of Snapshots Another 7 projects are expected to be completed in 2022, while 14 other projects have already started. In addition, 5 works are planned to start this year.

The Snapshots It is one of the tools that has been developed and allows not only to define the vision and goals, but also to identify the gaps in the country, something that is not specified or has multiple numbers“, pointed out.

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To this, Emerson Castro, former General Manager of Transportation Programs and Projects at MTC and Director of Planning at infrastructure Department of the Ministry of Education, pointed out that Snapshots It boosted investment, with progress of about S/1,000 per quarter.

He added that the update of the plan will also include projects related to the environment sector. In addition, he recommended that the executive reactivate the complementary rules to implement SnapshotsIn order to be able to implement complementary projects to accelerate filling the gaps.

He also argued that a file update Snapshots You must take into account four considerations to identify potential projects: that they are businesses that allow the problems identified in the sectoral notes to be addressed, those that are included in the multi-year investment program, and those that have budgets to develop as a business or study during the study period. of the project, which are projects that begin the implementation phase in the following five years.

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