Saturday, March 29, 2025

The leaders are Finland, Denmark and New Zealand, highly respected politicians

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A conference attended by leaders from the worlds of politics, business and communications, Continue with streaming

Thinking Heads presents a macro-study of political reputation in Spain, the European Union and Latin America.

The survey revealed the reputation of major world leaders and the state of public opinion in each country.

EU citizens are in line with the global ranking, rating three women as the most important leaders, although Zelensky is the most valued leader.

The Nordic countries, along with Canada, lead the country rankings globally and Spain, in line with its leader’s reputation, ranks 16th.

Pedro Sánchez is well-regarded among the Anglo-Saxon population and enjoys his lowest reputation in LATAM and the Middle East.

Eight of the world’s top ten most respected leaders are European, according to data from the first global survey of political leadership and the reputation of countries to be presented today at the “Political Leadership and Reglobalization in Latin America, Spain and Europe” conference. Organized by Thinking Heads and Casa America de America, it will last until 5:00 pm and will be attended by former Prime Ministers Mariano Rajoy and José Luis Rodríguez Sabatero.

Thinking Heads, a specialized consulting firm with significant international experience in leadership and managing the reputation of people and organizations, has now presented the first results of its study. Among the world’s top ten participants, there is a shared leadership: 5 women and 5 men. Given the predominantly male face of politics, it is notable that the most valued leaders are women: Sanna Marin, Prime Minister FinlandJacinda Ardern, Prime Minister New Zealand and Mette Frederiksen, Prime Minister Denmark. For Spain, Pedro Sanchez appeared 16th among his European peers. German President Olaf Scholz and French President Emmanuel Macron. Region wise, Pedro Sánchez is well-regarded among the Anglo-Saxon population, while his reputation in LATAM and the Middle East is low.. In a highly dynamic environment full of challenges, Society asks leaders to be trustworthy, to care about citizens’ problems, and to manage public affairs properly.

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Looking at the reputation of countries worldwide, Finland, Denmark and Canada lead the rankings, and Spain ranks 16th in the middle zone, behind France and ahead of the United States. Spain, as a country, shows a numerically higher reputation than its political leader.But both occupy the same position in the row. Panama, the first Latin American country to appear in the rankings, is ranked 20th, followed by Argentina (21st), Costa Rica (22nd), Chile (23rd) and Brazil (24th).

The concept of leadership in Europe

For European citizens, The highest-rated leaders correspond to the three countries with the best reputations in the region: Finland, Sweden and Denmark.. All three are led by women. At this point, Volodymyr Zelensky stands out because he is a leader highly respected by European citizens, and his reputation is strengthened by the current economic conditions. This “Zelensky effect” revolves around the political leadership, as it does not change the reputation of Ukraine, which ranks 26th.

In the ranking of European leaders, Spanish President Pedro Sánchez ranks 8th, closest to French President Emmanuel Macron.. Polish President Andrzej Duda, the only European leader to fail, is in last place.

The survey revealed the reputation of major world leaders and the state of public opinion in each country.. It includes 37 countries from five continents, including members of the G-20 and much of Latin America, and its current leaders. Daniel Romero-Abreu, president and founder of Thinking Heads, opened the event and explained: “With this study, we went beyond global scores: we broke down the perceptions of leaders to find out which qualities are most valuable. As a global result, we’ve found that citizens essentially ask their leaders for two things: integrity and keeping their promises.

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For his part, Enrique Johnson, managing partner of Thinking Heads, provided an overview of the reputation study. “The results allowed us to know what each region demands from its leaders. The study highlights that in European countries the ability to contribute inspiring ideas gains more relevance; for North American society, the ability to be recognized and followed is one of the main keys, while for the Arab world, managing public affairs well.” Ability is very valuable. Political leadership is a fundamental and effective tool for creating value in a country.Johnson pointed out.

He explained that the study allowed him to relate the evolution of political leadership to socioeconomic variables: “We look at that. For each point of growth in a global leader’s reputation, it is estimated to have an average impact of 3.2% on investments and 2.8% on the number of visitors to the country it leads.. These data are tentative, but they help us to understand and contextualize the relevance of the leader’s reputation to these types of variables. This analysis, applied to the reality of Spain, estimates that for each point of development of Pedro Sánchez’s reputation, an average impact of 5.14% on investments and 2.9% on the number of visitors from the country. It leads.”

To Antonio Hernandez-Rodisio, partner at Thinking Heads: “This conference truly reflects Thinking Heads’ experience, commitment and first mission to understand the world through political leadership and reputation.”

Du Mudarra

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