Monday, March 10, 2025

The New Zealand team has postponed the venue for the next US Cup

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16/09/2021 –

El Royal New Zealand Fleet (RNZYS), The Emirates team, in conjunction with New Zealand (ETNZ), has announced that they will extend the selection period for the overseas venues selected as candidates for hosting the 37th US Cup – Jeddah (Saudi Arabia) and Cork (Ireland) as desired by the Spanish – so they will continue to work on the final details and provide additional information to the respective candidates. .

RNZYS Commodore Aaron Young “said both would benefit As for the 37th Copa Am இறுதிrica final, we want to give them some more time to make the right decision instead of a quick one, “he said.

ETNZ and RNZYS believe it is prudent and responsible Extending the deadline for foreign locations to proceed with negotiations after EDNZ team members were unable to visit seats after the Govt lockout in New Zealand.

Also, Wednesday morning, ETNZ and RNZYS In 1987 they received a letter from Mark Dunby, a banker who had supported the first New Zealand challenge, about the possibility of funding to hold the event in Auckland. This extension of the process will allow Dunby more time to answer the questions raised.

“It is disappointing that we were not able to finalize our contract with a headquarters We are now giving more time to work on the final details of the respective locations as September 17th is the scheduled date as previously proposed, but now the Govt situation in New Zealand has complicated the process. As we have always maintained, it has never deviated from the Auckland table for obvious reasons, as it seems impossible. Now we finally have a last minute letter from Mr. Dunby, who has not explored the possibilities of the Auckland event and may recall whether it was fully and fully funded locally. To date, there is no evidence that this is the case, “said Grant Dalton, the New Zealand’s chief executive.

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The search for the 37th place in the USA Cup began in May 2020 By Origin Sports Group, but suspended for a period of three months from March 17, during which the New Zealand government gained exclusive right to negotiate in their country, and this period continues to expire.

Spanish Greetings

The possibility of Valencia returning to the US Cup, Hosted 2007 and 2010 editions, sounded in recent weeks. However, last week Valencia resigned to host the 2024 US Cup Due to lack of support in funding the project. In addition, the second Spanish candidate, created by Italian businessman Francesco de Leo (Kaufman & Partners), Pablo Beltron (KPI360) and Victor-Hugo Morne (HM VALUE), may seek public funds to reorganize the regatta in Spain.

Remember that is the Cup of America It is considered one of the three most important sporting events in the world after the World Cup and the Olympics.

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