Monday, March 10, 2025

The President of Mexico will arrive in Colombia to attend a conference on drugs

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The Mexican governor will arrive in the afternoon at Alfonso Bonilla Aragon International Airport in the city of Cali, where this meeting will be held, which seeks proposals from various entities and representatives of 15 countries to determine a roadmap towards a global summit that rethinks policies. drugs.

Lopez Obrador will hold a meeting with Colombian President Gustavo Petro, who shares the concept of the failure of the war on drugs.

The Colombian president asserts that the war against drugs has failed, and for this reason he considers it necessary to establish a new approach to the fight against drugs, which implies changing the focus of efforts and strengthening the so-called state policy from the war against drugs to care. from life

Likewise, in 2019, the Mexican governor stressed that his government’s main function was to ensure public safety and not to strategy arrests of drug lords.

“That’s what concerns me, the reduction in the number of murders, the reduction in the number of robberies, the fact that there are no kidnappings. That’s the basic, not the amazing. A lot of time has been wasted on it and nothing has been solved,” the president said of the fight against drug trafficking in Mexico. “.

It is hoped that this meeting will be the beginning of a process of regional dialogue and participation based on the principle of common and shared responsibility, to be a model for the international community with a new vision that places life, peace and development above war. .

Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Dominican Republic, Uruguay and Venezuela, among others, are the participating countries joined by a group of member states. Observer states.

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The initiatives and proposals emerging from the meeting will be handed over to the two governors, who will handle its conclusions.


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