General view of the Ryukaya Electric Substation, in Badajoz, in file photo. – Photo: EFE/Jero Morales
The price of electricity in the wholesale market (combined) for Sunday, December 19, was set at 319.63 euros per megawatt-hour, which is an increase of just over 4% compared to the price set on Saturday, which will be the highest price in the historical series.
According to the data of the operator of the Iberian Electricity Market (OMIE), the maximum price will be recorded between 8:00 pm. : 00 and 05:00 in the morning.
With this new high, electricity will be at a new historical maximum, the fourth of this week, ahead of the 309.2 euro / megawatt hour last Thursday, and the 306.33 euro / megawatt hour recorded on Saturday.
In addition, the price of this Sunday, the day when economic activity is low and energy demand decreases, will cross the 300 euro / megawatt hour barrier for the fourth time.
If the price of electricity on Sunday is compared with the equivalent day price last year, when it was paid at €43.42 / MWh, then this is more than seven times higher.
En lo que va de mes, el precio de la electricidad se sitúa de media en los 239,7 euros/MWh, casi 40 euros por encima del valor de octubre (200,06 euros/MWh), el mes más caro de la historia up to date.
If the current values for December are maintained, 2021 will close with an average price higher than €110/MWh, more than three times what it was last year, the cheapest in the last 17 years thanks to lower demand and prices that have caused epidemic.
Prices recorded in the wholesale market have a direct impact on the regulated tariff, or PVPC, which is welcomed by nearly 11 million consumers in Spain, and serves as a reference for another 17 million who contract their supply in the free market.
Behind the price hike, rising gas prices in international markets and carbon dioxide emissions rights, which during 2021 recorded record levels month after month.
As for the rest of the European countries, in the UK a megawatt-hour is paid on Sunday at an average of 280.51 pounds (about 331 euros), while in Germany it will be paid at 119.67 euros; in France, at a price of 342.16 euros; In Italy at a price of 334.32 euros, and in Portugal at the same price in Spain by market share.
(With information from RT and El Día de Segovia)
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