Monday, March 10, 2025

The process of black hole growth is similar to the process of a young star.

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The magnetic winds in the black hole of ESO 320-G030 perform a function similar to that of star formation, although on a smaller scale (NASA/JPL-CALTECH).

The origin of supermassive black holes (SMBH) remains a mystery. puzzle For scholars. This is because their mass is usually the same Millions of times larger than those found in starsIt has not yet been possible to explain how they reached their size in a relatively short time, compared to their estimated age being.

a investigation A study conducted by scientists from Chalmers University of Technology and Northwestern University revealed that The central black hole of the galaxy ESO 320-G030Which is 120 million light-years away, and could grow in a similar way to the process involved in it Stars are born. In this way, it was possible to elucidate one of the possible mechanisms that these celestial bodies have for combining matter.

From the measurements he made ALMA telescope (Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array), experts were able to discover A Magnetized wind About black hole. High levels of Infrared The emitted galaxy allowed the telescope to detect light among the dense dust clouds. Furthermore, ESO 320-G030 is More active than the Milky WayIt is estimated that stars are ten times faster.

Supermassive black holes are usually found in the centers of galaxies, and their behavior affects the evolution of the entire system (Europe Press)

I used Alma Doppler effectWhich includes the difference in wavelength relative to the observer’s location, to determine the behavior of the particles that make up the magnetic wind. They focused on the light emitted by particles Hydrogen cyanideIts purpose was to study the gas that is as close as possible to the black hole. They were able to observe that the molecules achieved a Rotating pattern. While other processes within galaxies tend to push matter away from their center, this process will help them grow.

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“We can see how the wind is formed Spiral structure Which leaves the center of the galaxy. When we measured the spin, mass, and speed of the material flowing outward, we were surprised to find that we could rule out several explanations for the force of the wind, such as star formation. On the other hand, it can be outflow Driven by gas inlet “They appear to be held together by magnetic fields,” said Susan Aalto, professor of radio astronomy at Chalmers University of Technology and co-author of the study.

Galaxy ESO 320-G030 is more active than the Milky Way because it is forming stars at a rate ten times faster (NASA-ESA/D.player/Handout via REUTERS)

he Magnetized wind It is created thanks to the strong magnetic fields present in Accumulation tablets It consists of the matter that surrounds black holes. Magnetic forces cause matter to move away from the galaxy, thus forming a spiral. “Loss of material due to this wind as well Slows down disk rotation“Which means matter can flow more easily toward the black hole, turning the filament into a stream.” press release. This is how a black hole is achieved Consume matter To increase its mass.

It’s a way growth regulation From the center of the galaxy which does not assume a process commentWhich occurs when the percentage of matter entering the black hole increases, and as a result large amounts of energy are released.

The magnetic winds that keep the black hole growing perform a similar function The winds that create starsalthough the latter occurs on much smaller scales.

Regions with cold, dense molecular clouds in galaxies are where stars form (Photo by Bulletin/NASA/AFP)

In galaxies there are regions where they exist Molecular clouds Dense and low temperatures. “These huge clouds Collapses Under the force of gravity to form stars. Thanks to the process of nuclear fusion, these early stars very efficiently converted hydrogen and helium into other elements such as carbon, oxygen, silicon, or iron. stand out From the ALMA observatory.

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They are formed by rotating winds that are the product of acceleration exerted by magnetic fields. They cause matter to collect into a disk around the protostar in its early stages Swirl towards it. The same thing happens at the center of the galaxy ESO 320-G030, although more observations are needed to determine whether this phenomenon exists. Common to all black holes. Future studies could reveal consequences development This type of small ultra-massive objects, and therefore galaxies.

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