Monday, March 10, 2025

The projects “C-Salud” and “AI-ON: Intelligent Assistance in Oncology” were recognized in the Diario Médico E-nova Health Awards.

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The projects “C-Health: Big Data for Health Creation. Population, Preventive, Predictive and Personal Health” and “AI-ON: Intelligent Assistance in Oncology”, promoted respectively by Quirónsalud Hospitals integrated into the Madrid Public Network – University Hospitals of the Jiménez Díaz Foundation (Madrid), Rey Juan Carlos (Mostolz), Infanta Elena (Valdemoro) and General de Villalba (Collado Villalba) – and for the day hospital in the first of these, they were honored yesterday with two E-nnova Health Awards from medical diary.

Awards presented by the leading specialized information newspaper in Spain and collected, respectively, by Antonio Herrero, responsible for the big data of this healthcare network; and the stave. Christina KaramisJimenez Diaz Foundation, Medical Oncology Service Specialist, endorses the four hospitals’ strategic commitment to putting new technologies, innovation, digitization, and big data at the service of their patients to improve their healthcare, from wherever and whenever.

“C-Health: Big Data to Create Health”

“C-Health: Big Data for Health Creation. Population and Preventive, Predictive and Personal Health”, approved in the “Big Data and Artificial Intelligence” category and coordinated by the Clinical and Organizational Innovation Unit (UICO) of Quirónsalud Hospitals integrated into the Madrid public network of this healthcare network, With the collaboration with the Institute for Health Research of the Jiménez Díaz Foundation (IIS-FJD) is an ambitious project to apply Biga Data to create population health.

This is the largest initiative of its kind in our country, in quantitative terms, as it includes communication, professionals, information and patient experience from four centers (with their total reference areas close to 1 million); Qualitatively, as it involves data analysis to improve care process initiatives in all key areas of care with the triple dimension: prevention, early detection and personalized treatment.

It also highlights the degree of implementation of the project, which has become a reality, its clinical leadership and its strategic component, through the positive impact on the three main axes of these four hospitals: working on health prevention, improving patient experience and managing resources responsibly and efficiently.

“The project is the result of two decades of evolution in clinical data and information in this healthcare network, which culminated two years ago with the creation of a big data and artificial intelligence unit to accelerate research, extract and manage data from various sources and improve detection of behavior patterns in order to aid clinical decision-making,” explains. Smith.

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In this context, C-Salud responds to a triple reason: the clear and urgent need for new, more proactive models of care spurred by an aging population, which implies more chronic disease; Mounting evidence of the impact of big data and artificial intelligence in improving individual health and health systems; and the capacity of this healthcare network, a product of its digital maturity and history of clinical information in the electronic medical record (EHR).

Thus, the health professions improvement initiatives that are already under development in these hospitals cover the three moments of healthcare: preceding, beginning with “C-Salud”, during and after. That is, to the improvements applied during the care process, which allow for standardization of medical practice, the transition from action medicine to one of the processes, and from the assessment of activity by scales of volume to another based on measures of true value to patients, aftercare proposals have been added, such as the Evaluating outcomes in health and patient experience, PROMs and PREMs, and even more innovative, pre-health care, such as “C-Salud.”

One of the differential values ​​of the project is that it broadens the focus on this improvement of healthcare pathways by “moving forward” healthcare, anticipating and creating information-based health, moving from a more reactive concept to a more proactive care, in prevention, early detection and customization of treatments, and changing Focus from acute care to population health, prevention and forecasting. “It’s about staying ahead of the disease,” he notes. Smith.

To this end, the program includes eight primary healthcare lines run by approximately 30 clinical professionals who “lead” process improvement: the field of cardiovascular disease and nephrology; Neuroscience and Mental Health. Chronic respiratory disease. Age related pathology. oncology and hematology; public health and infectious diseases; Orthopedic pathology. Surgical complications and critical care.

AI-ON: A Smart Oncology Aid

For its part, and also in line with its strategy of implementing processes and technologies that contribute to transforming the healthcare model into a value-based system and improving the doctor-patient relationship through the development of various functions of the patient portal – implementing its own development – the Jiménez Díaz Foundation launched “AI-ON: Help SMART IN ONCOLOGY”, an innovative project to improve the care provided to the user and their experience of the health-tried process, in this case in the hospital by day.

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AI-ON is a virtual assistant for the care of recurring symptoms of cancer patients based on an artificial intelligence model that uses a chatbot integrated in the patient portal and in the user’s electronic health records and works independently, with the aim of resolving the doubts of patients in cancer treatment who need special attention to respond in a more Flexibility,” he says stave. Karamis.

And patients treated in a day hospital can exhibit side effects between treatment cycles that are likely to generate uncertainty, discomfort and fear, as they cannot easily find an answer to their concerns outside the center. For this reason, the Department of Medical Oncology at the Jiménez Diaz Foundation has studied the most common reasons for consultation and proposed as a response to this AI program that during four months of operation has achieved very positive results for patients in terms of health and experience, and for practitioners in management effectiveness.

Specifically, after the first phase in which the oncologists standardized the different scenarios, so that the system was later able to perform tasks that mimic humans, in an empathetic and immediate manner at any time and day of the year, it was achieved that the Chatbot provides the patient, in real time and depending On the indicated symptoms, coherent and valuable responses based on the best quality and scientific criteria, which were previously determined by specialists, facilitating the most appropriate recommendation for each patient.

“The result is that the smart assistant responds to many non-urgent situations without the need for transportation to the hospital by instantly and automatically sending specific recommendations that provide comfort, promote health, prevent more severe symptoms when detected early, and even include indications on how to act if symptoms worsen or symptoms develop. new,” adds the oncologist.

Likewise, if the chatbot’s recommendation is to go to the emergency room, the system immediately initiates the admissions and triage procedure, alerting the on-duty professional, who can anticipate the care and resources needed during the patient’s arrival, while, if the virtual assistant’s suggestion is a precursor to the consultation, this guides the user To the resource necessary to automate appointment management.

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“This AI model is to help cancer patients get treatment from their homes, detect and direct potential emergencies, to act early, and improve health and user experience by providing personalized attention 24/7, 365 days a year, from wherever you need it, without the need to travel unnecessarily to the hospital; at the same time it increases the satisfaction of professionals and favors a more responsible use of resources”, notes stave. Karamis.

In its first three months of operation, the virtual assistant recorded about 3,000 conversations, 37 percent of which generated automated recommendations, and sent nursing advice to another 23 percent of consultations. The remaining 40 percent required urgent care, either through direct assistance in the emergency room or over the phone with a specialist—in four and six out of ten, respectively—.

The most common causes of consultation were constipation, vomiting, pain, mouth ulcers and diarrhea, followed by skin lesions and fever. Almost all of them were able to resolve it in a majority through recommendations or a nurse counselor.

Clinical and Organizational Innovation Unit (UICO)

UICO is a multidisciplinary and cross-sectional unit of Quirónsalud Hospitals integrated into the Madrid Public Network, which aims to improve end outcomes in different interest groups: patients, physicians and managers.

Its tasks include building a network of these centers for joint improvement of results; Work with a structured agenda to develop organizational innovation and new capabilities to implement its model; and design and implement method changes. In terms of its functions, UICO coordinates the development of the Quirónsalud model and continuous learning in the four hospital network; Supports and facilitates the work of multidisciplinary groups to develop the above model; It supports the cultural change needed to implement it.

The Clinical and Organizational Innovation Unit, along with the Medical Directorate, Information Services and Patient Care Department, among other departments in the four centers, have fostered and coordinated the profound transformation that this new healthcare model means for this hospital. Hospital network.

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