Sunday, March 9, 2025

The public health center will be outside Madrid

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Government Pedro Sanchez It is clear to him: he wants decentralization and the removal of state institutions from Madrid, but he wants to start with newly created organizations. For this reason, I already have an idea of ​​the organizations that will be outside the capital of Spain and the first one associated with Management of COVID-19 and epidemics.

As confirmed by sources close to the Carolina Daria Ministry of the future EL ESPAÑOL State Center for Public Health outside Madrid.

The launch of this entity (it is not yet clear whether it will be a center or an agency) is the first step in the project initiated by the PSOE, with the decisive impulse of the President of Valencia Zimo PuigTo achieve greater “territorial cohesion” and combat population decline.

A hypothesis that did not satisfy the Madrid government Isabel Diaz Ayuso, which interprets “decentralization” as “a direct and direct attack against Madrid”. That is why he declared that he would do “everything in our power to prevent it.”

But it can’t do much for the new organisms. The above was agreed upon during the Reconstruction Committee meeting in Parliament In the summer of 2020. Since then, little progress has been made, although Health recently moved the project to public consultation.

The project

The Secretary-General of Health, Silvia Calzone, Already met with different groups of health professionals specializing in this field to find out their contributions to this centre, which has a dedicated component in State general budgets for 2022.

These professionals do not find it bad that there is no State Center for Public Health in Madrid, since its main claim, as EL ESPAÑOL knows, is that it satisfies by means of “Network of Centers”. In other words, in every preventive service in every health district (there are about 300 throughout Spain) there is a reference center that acts as a guard.

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The project is very simple. The Ministry of Health, independently, coordinates a file State Center for Public Health Receive notifications from 300 sentinel referral centers. Thus, if there is a suspected case of a virus (not necessarily Covid-19) in Almeria and another in Coruña, the notification is concentrated in one body and joint action can be coordinated.

For this reason, the removal of the Public Health Center from Madrid does not worry epidemiologists. fact, Rafael Orte, president of the Society for Preventive Medicine, Public Health and Hygiene (Sempsph) Ensures that it is “essential”.

“It would be very appropriate to install it in a place that promotes healthy living and adheres to the healthy city model,” he explains. In your opinion, locate State Center for Public Health She can, in turn, do the work of “educating healthy lifestyle habits.” In addition, the goal is to work in the bone network as long as there is contact Online, the site seems to be the least.

It’s also not important to my reps Spanish Society of Public Health and Health Administration (Sespas) With whom Simpsf works closely. They expressed similar thoughts to the Carolina Darias team as they talked about the Holistic Health project to address current and future health challenges.

Center or agency?

Sepsas claims that the legal composition of this body is in the form of an agency rather than a center, such as Ministry of Health. This claim coincides with that of the People’s Party, the pharmaceutical industry and other professional associations.

Anna Pasteur, People’s Party deputy and former Minister of Health, He has claimed on several occasions that the Center is an agency because he asserts, therefore, “that it will have the nature of an independent body, its character will be mainly technical and it will have professional management and direction”.

Sespas and PP’s request is gaining a lot of consensus even within it Ministry of Health. Having a legal form of agency is something they already take for granted in the Paseo del Prado offices, although they haven’t confirmed anything in this regard.

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In fact, it is also assumed that this newly created object will absorb Coordination Center for Health Alerts and Emergencies (CCAES) and the National Center for Epidemiology.

The fact that this center is considered an agency is not a matter of terminology. It comes down to its legal form and the link it might have to the Ministry of Health.

For example, at this time in Spain there is Spanish Agency for Medicines and Health Products (Aemps). When Aemps issues a report it is completely independent of the department. It also has its own “Program and Budget contract”, as well as a “highly independent” board of directors with elected members. “With merit and ability.”

Specifically, they asked Sepsas that this body be attached to the Ministry of Health, but that it should be “autonomous” and have a structured network structure, which requires a coordination node, 17 independent nodes and its own series of subject nodes. process and technicians.” “It will also include a network of experts.”

“It must be constituted as a center of excellence exercising functions in two main areas, first, the control of public health, risk assessment and analysis of the health situation of the Spanish population, and secondly, the preparation and coordination of the system in the face of threats to public health, especially those of an epidemiological nature, but also in the face of Other health crises as a result of climate change, for example,” they claimed.

Fernando Simon

But when will the live broadcast start? As this newspaper has learned, the government’s intention is to launch the State Center for Public Health before the second half of 2022.

In addition, the health intent of this body is to improve the existing monitoring network and link it to independent communities, European Agency HERA . Health Emergency Preparedness and Response Agency and the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC).

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This project is very interesting for the veterinarians who sent their contributions to the Ministry of Health, considering that this public health center should focus on an integrated vision of public health and what has come to be called the approach One health.

In his view, health would not respond “effectively” for the purpose of giving a better response to global health threats, if it did not include public health veterinarians in State Center for Public HealthWith public health medicine and public health pharmacology.

Currently, what is known about the state’s public health center is that it will have a budget of five million euros earmarked in state public budgets (PGE).

There is also a slight doubt about who will drive it. After several media outlets mentioned his name, even the Ministry of Health stopped making efforts to deny it (although it did not confirm this either).

Everyone expects it to be Fernando Simon, The current Director of CCAES and Voice of the Management of the Covid-19 Pandemic, which coordinates this body. Simon worked with PP and PSOE ministers for what appeared to be a neutral voice.

It should be remembered that although the state’s Center for Public Health will start operating next year, it is not an idea that arose out of a pandemic. When the former Secretary-General of the Ministry of Health, Jose Martinez Olmos, launched the Public Health Act 2011 This organism has already been thought of. The lack of budget and little influence on the part of the administrations that succeeded Olmos (both the People’s Party and the Socialist Workers’ Party) made this impossible.

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