Sunday, March 9, 2025

The source says

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in March We heard for the first time Ubisoft intends to develop a sequel to open world adventure Soaring Phoenix Immortals, although at the time no details about the matter were leaked. Acquaintance from the inside Jeff Group shed more light on this project, which Do not be a direct sequel and even dare to change the myths.

As Grob explains, Height of Phoenix Immortals 2 -who would probably use another name- would be more than one type Role code name Oxygen. Again let the choice of a hero or heroine, but leave the Greek mythology of origin and Focus on Polynesian culturesomething that helps distinguish itself from other overly exploited myths.

Grubb was able to see some of the concept art and he still seemed to lean towards it Stylized and unrealistic graphic style, although they want to get away from it more The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the WildWhich was one of the comparative constants of the first. It’s kind of a visual reset and it’s in pre-production now, so Could reach in 2025. It is one of the running games on Ubisoft Combined with milliseconds Doctrine killerEven though we know that these days Many games have been canceled s Avatar: Pandora’s Border previously Do not arrive in the current fiscal year.

Immortality Phoenix Rising 2 seeps into Polynesian culture

May be announced soon

A rumor said months ago about the possibility of seeing games in the medium and long term for the company in Ubisoft Forward scheduled for September 10. skull bones s Mario + Rapids sparks of hope Ubisoft’s strong year-end releases remain.

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