Monday, March 10, 2025

“The way exercise is consumed is changing.”

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And theThe world has changed with the pandemic and the sports-related industry has been no less. Consumer trends have changed the way fans interact with each other and with sports entities. Sports are still fun. And a lot. What has changed is the way they are consumed.

for example, The spread of content on different platforms has meant that sports are no longer consumed solely by traditional means. Meanwhile, it’s not just about live events, as there are other ways to consume. Examples include producing documentaries or films about different athletes or teams.

The fans have changed the rules of the game and the sports entertainment industry must evolve towards what they demand. For a long time, it was different and it was over. The fact that we continue to live in this time of Covid and the profound social changes that result from it, along with an increasingly digital society, is driving the sports-related industry to evolve at breakneck speed where the focus is, now more than ever, on the consumer.

Fans have created digital communities that connect with each other, as well as with their favorite athletes and teams. s I moved from a physical focus on large audiences to a more distant but more interactive behavior.

The fan no longer watches sports on the sofa and in silence, as my dad did.

Ramon Amish (CEO of Nielsen Sports)

“The new generations will not sit, like my dad used to do on the sofa, and will not let anyone talk because our team plays. The change is more in the way, in how they view the sport or consume it. For example, with mobile, with stats, commenting with friends on Whatsapp, creating a TikTok video reacting to the goal scored by your team …Explains Ramn Amich, CEO of Nielsen Sports, a subsidiary of Nielsen Corporation, one of the most important companies in sponsorship and fan intelligence analysis.

All this assumes a great challenge, but at the same time, a new opportunity. A Nielsen study reveals that there is now a wide range of opportunities for both rights and trademark holdersand highlights the growing importance of sports-related content, especially among the younger generations.

for example, Almost 44% of fans aged 16-29 who watch postponed sports content related to live matches do so on digital channels, just 0.4% less than those who watch live matches on digital channels. The possibilities of working and connecting fans not only existed in the sporting event, but continued.

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Does this mean that traditional media is over? Not much less. They will continue to be an important source of consumption. In October 2021 in the US, for example, sports content led to a 22% increase in free-to-air TV viewing even though sports programming accounted for only 2.7%. The good news: While the average age of television continues to rise, sports fans are getting younger.

“Young people are still interested in sports,” Amish says. “This is reflected in the data.” “There is always a rumor that two hours of gaming seems like a lot for the guys, but at the same time we find that they streamed and watched League of Legends for five hours on Twitch, and something was wrong.. Are you telling me two hours won’t last, but five? What happens, not only to them, but also to adults, to everyone, is that we look at what interests us and if the content is interesting, the young man will see it. The story is that they see it differently and that is, perhaps, the place we have to delve into.”

The difference in all this is that these traditional media are no longer the only ones. The new digital channels will (really) be another complement. The general population has increased viewing activities on different screens (social networks, texting, video games, food delivery) by 5% on average in the last yearUp to 10% among Z3 generation. In total, 47% of people who watch sports on TV or on digital platforms simultaneously watch other live content, much higher than the general population (33%).

Athletes and influencers

secondly, Influencers, not necessarily the most “best” ones, have become essential for brands. They have realized that it is profitable to focus on influencers who have fewer followers who create more personal relationships with followers.

These are complemented by the athletes themselves who, in many cases, play the role of influencers. The Nielsen report reveals that 26% of ardent sports fans who search for sports news on social media say athletes are a great way to communicate With brands and sponsors.

Young people are interested in sports; If the content is interesting, they will watch it

And in all this whirlpool of digital consumption, There are two platforms that have grown like foam: TikTok and Twitch. Both are gaining followers compared to traditional platforms (Youtube, Facebook, Instagram), with an increase in posts of 30% and 21% respectively., between April 2020 and August 2021. These provide new opportunities for brands. An example is the recent match between Real Sociedad and Betis, the first to be broadcast vertically via TikTok.

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The world of cryptography

Cryptocurrencies have also carved a special place for themselves in the way fans interact. At first it was Paris Saint-Germain and Juventus, and today, according to Nielsen, there are more than 35 football clubs that offer token holders the opportunity to vote on a range of issues. Related to your favorite clubs, such as the games location, bus design, and even team uniform design.

What is clear is that The world has changed and the world of sports is no longer a stranger to it. Recognizing all of these changes with the fan as a major driver will be key to guiding care strategies for all interested parties.

The rise of esports and women’s sports

There are two other environments that are also part of the sports industry and fans have turned to. One of them was highly anticipated, and that was e-sports. Data from Nielsen’s “Esports Fan Insights” report that 50% of esports fans started following them in the last two yearsAnd not all of them are teenagers.

The other is women’s sports. The growing and growing interest in it is changing the way sports real estate and the global leagues are sponsoring. So far it has been going hand in hand with men’s sports as an add on. Instead, they are now distancing themselves, as the interest generated by fans has prompted real estate to invest in them directly. And you can see it. In 2021, investment in women’s sports sponsorship increased by 146% compared to 27% in the previous year.

All this does not mean choosing between father or mother, but rather that they are compatible. According to Nielsen, Many brands reach consumers they didn’t reach with men’s sports sponsorship And there is the key.

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However, there is still work to be done. Because, Despite this boom, and the growing media presence, media coverage is lagging behind from the fans.

Despite everything, Amish ramen have no doubts: “We see in some markets it’s hard for them to give this window of information to women’s sports, but I think it’s just a matter of time. There is no magic wand, there is no perfect formula, but there is a domino effect, it always comes.

Nielsen Force

Nielsen is a global leader in audience measurement, data and analytics. Although Nielsen, in other areas, arrived in Spain only five years ago, she has been in the “sport” world for more than ten years.

The change, the key to the company’s growth, was a software and human team of more than 2,000 people in India and 500 in Germany. Automatic trademark detection software. “We take a league game and we put it in the software. It is able to detect each of the logos on the screen, the duration, the size, how many consecutive seconds and where it appears on the screen. And we do that the same thing in Formula 1, in basketball or in cricket as in Football, the same for everyone and in the same way,” says Ramen Amish, CEO of Nielsen Sports.

Example. Rudiger appeared on the cover of Marca and is wearing a Chelsea shirt. “We discovered the logo on the front of the shirt and we do it with the press, the online press, social networks and television. And in La Liga at the end of the year we ended up analyzing over 500 brands because people only think about the front of the shirt, but there are many things: Terraces, vomits, fences, benches…”, he explains.

Nielsen Sports covers any sport. Some in their own right, whether they have clients or not. And then, upon request, they can expand their range. In Spain, they have many important clients, such as the LaLiga teams, the Spanish organization itself, Euroleague or MotoGP.

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