Monday, March 10, 2025

The world's machine age begins in 2024

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The world's machine age begins in 2024© Marc Dummage, courtesy of the International Association Man Ray Paris

The Machine Age in art began in 1909. The Machine Age in the world will begin in 2024. Amazon, Samsung, Microsoft, Nvidia, and OpenAI all support the same humanoid robot maker: AI Figure. The current reference in the field of autonomous robots is Amazon's digital robot. Exhibition Surrealism. Machine age Relives the spirit of Breton in this extraordinary moment.

2024 is the year when humanoid robots will incorporate the same AI, such as massive language models (LLM) that create extraordinary milestones for generative AI. Creativity in artificial intelligence is also what is rapidly accelerating robotic capabilities into the realm of science fiction.

Victoria Hurtado RescueThe social anthropologist tells us: “In 1909, the first Futurist manifesto was published in Le Figaro, written by Filippo Tommaso Marinetti (1876-1944). The manifesto was a reckless call to embrace modernity in all spheres of private and public life, and included attacks on traditional cultural institutions. The main assumptions were the rejection of the cult of the past and the glorification of the modern world as the bearer of the future: they celebrated technology, speed, the modern city and the machine. For the Futurists, the machine was the emblem of the most important thing in the modern world.

Marinetti says in The artistic manifesto for future literature (1912) that “after the animal kingdom begins the mechanical kingdom,” which paves the way for the creation of “mechanical man with variable parts” that frees him from the idea of ​​death (as transhumanists currently claim).

Future utopia

The futuristic utopia of human-machine hybrids is an illustration of the importance given to technological achievements and the values ​​of speed, dynamism and continuous innovation, in an anti-humanist conception of culture.

Beginning in 1911, theatrical productions were performed with actors performing mechanical movements to the rhythm of the “instrumental noise”, while he continues to announce and perform in his concerts on the Planetary Stage Tour marking the 45th anniversary. Pilot Drewthe legendary Madrid new wave group and La Movida.

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In 1915, Paul B. Haviland“We live in the machine age,” the photographer and influential member of the New York group Photo-Secession declared in 291 magazine.

Artistic creativity for the new machine age.

Surrealism. Machine age

From this exceptional moment at the beginning of the machine age in art, the exhibition was opened in Madrid, at the Canal Foundation. Surrealism. Machine ageIt is an exhibition born on the occasion of the centenary of the first surrealist statement Andre Breton (The Surrealist Manifesto, 1924), which reveals the influence of the machine on the Surrealist movement, which has been little explored until now.

It is an encounter with the machine as a source of eroticism, the possibility of technical reproduction of the object, photography, optical illusion, and with it complete freedom of creative action. The truth is that it projects us after a hundred years. Once again, history does not repeat itself, but rather rhymes. Rhymes from century to century. The amazing 20.


More than a century later, his words take on a deeper meaning in a society where technology defines our lives. The long shadow of 2023 extends into 2024 to produce the social impact of generative AI.

It is the machine age in the world. Experts like Future Advisor and Technology David Alion They warn us: “We must gather all the information we can about the present (signs of change), consider how it might develop (trends) and imagine the possible future we could reach (scenarios) to return to the present and make decisions that lead us to those positive futures.” “AI systems will be able to make more accurate predictions about future trends and outcomes, make more informed decisions and suggest more solid long-term strategies.”

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Marcel Duchamp. Rotary engravings (rotary engravings). Optical discs. Born in 1935. Edition from 1965. 6 double-sided discs on a turntable hub included in a black velvet covered wooden box. Marion Meyer Collection. International Association Man Ray, Paris.

Living with AI and trusting the machine

Exhibition “Surrealism. The age of the machine according to its commissioner.” Pilar Barcinisasart critic and curator: “Reveals the influence that the machine had on the Surrealist movement, which had hitherto been little explored.”

These artists reflect the transformation of society by transcending the boundaries of traditional art. The serial industrial piece, the result of the machine, appears for the first time in the history of art, to remain definitive.

Barcerisas highlights that “Surrealism discovers the body as a machine that creates dreams, generates erotic desire, and reveals the power of the unconscious and irrationality as a creative force.”

The exhibition includes pieces from Marcel Duchamp, Man Ray, Francis Picabia And Alfred StieglitzAuthors who broke with academic tradition and entered a new era of modernity: the age of the machine.

The exhibition will be held in the Mateo Inurria Room 2 of the Fundación Canal from February 7 to April 21, 2024.

Revolutionary ideas

Both the aforementioned techno-pop band El Aviador Dro and its reference groups: Kraftwerk, Devo and The Residents, born in the 1970s, collect these revolutionary ideas and practices of the avant-garde and update them, completing their legacy, through sound language. The visual credit is to the existence of better and more advanced machines, carrying this legacy in an almost literal way from the 1970s into the intelligent digital present of 2024.

“Aviator Dro was fascinated by the aesthetics of Italian Futurism Marinetti, Russolo And Pratilafrom the Russian poet MayakovskyDada Tzara And collectivism Cabaret Voltaire. Dressed in asbestos suits and wearing industrial goggles like aliens, he notes, they frightened or surprised locals and strangers as they made their futuristic and Dada statements about a new world, mixing irony and provocation. Hurtado Risco. Aviador Dro definitely recommends visiting the “Surrealism” exhibition. Machine age.

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A short guided tour of the exhibition “Surrealism. “The Machine Age.” The Channel Foundation.

We're ready?

Antonio Torrel, CSIC scientist, expert in the energy challenge and in processing remote sensing data for oceanographic uses in this period of climate crisis, encourages in 2024 a return to a harder and more resistant technology, such as that of the 1990s or earlier, without programmed obsolescence, With durable and shiny machines, such as traffic lights, spacecraft chips and devices, machines from industry in general and the aerospace industry in particular, as well as truly sustainable microelectronics. It seemed to have captured the essence of the Vanguards of a hundred years ago.

Are we ready for the machine age in the world? Spanish political party Future alliance It seems to indicate to us that it is not much. The Declaration of Principles states: “Autonomous robots (whether humanoid or not) for commercial and domestic use – especially those that can roam freely in public spaces – as well as the artificial intelligence that inhabits them, must be approved by the relevant authorities.” Authorities, to make sure it is safe and ethical. The robots must be guided by artificial intelligence systems advanced enough not to follow instructions that could cause harm to humans, animals and other robots. Legislation regarding the capabilities (and limitations) of robots will be updated frequently, and the freedom of action of robots will gradually grow as our trust in them increases. As a general rule, robots should not harm any human being, nor in general any sentient animal, nor any other robot, nor any person's property.

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