Monday, March 10, 2025

There has been a flood of criticism for the Benidorm Festival and rightly so

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The first semi-final of the Benidorm Festival and the first problems. What happened that such a disaster occurred in the third edition of the festival? “The sound, the production, the plans… it's too early to know what could have gone wrong,” RTVE explained.

They say there are always second chances. RTVE And the Benidorm Festival 2024 He has a second chance this Thursday and a third chance on Saturday to fix the real disaster that was the semi-final of the festival last night, from which the Spanish actor will emerge to… Eurovision 2024. How could this be in the third edition of Benidorm Festival Could what happened last night happen? Well, it's possible, and more importantly, surprising. Do you have those who can't forget these things that Benidorm FestivalIn addition to music, talent, hitmaker, opportunity factory, springboard, is it also a TV show? Musical yes, but television. Someone has completely forgotten. You can't give the spectators what they got last night.

We're talking about Audio glitchesWhich was terrifying; We're talking about RealizationWhich was a real ordeal from home; We're talking about Meaningless plans, from the complete loss of what the artists were doing on stage because suddenly you had a close-up and in a second you didn't even know where you were; We talked about something, or many things, that went wrong last night. Maybe too much, maybe because you're not where you want to be.

the television

“It's still too early to know what could go wrong,” he said last night. Maria IzaguirreDirector of Communications RTVEAt the end of the first semi-final of Benidorm Festival. He added: “We are seeing what the incident was to prevent its recurrence by all means.” An apology is appreciated and a show of face is appreciated, but when the same public broadcaster realizes that something happened last night that was completely out of her control and caused a festival, for which… RTVE He gives everything and more, he is absolutely dazzling.

Subject of offers and bets for Benidorm Festival We leave 2024 to the music critics, and perhaps we should also look at it a little. They passed Angie Fernandez, nebula (Most voted by the jury), Miss caffeine And Sophia Cole. They have been excluded Noah, Mantra, motto (After receiving the highest percentage of votes from the public), Cute Kiki And lyric.

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However, that couldn't have been the last night for the eight participants First semi-final Subordinate Benidorm Festival To be heard, and above all, to be understood, for two – oh, and two say a lot! -. They could have sung in Slovak and would have been understood the same way. There was no way, no matter how hard you tried to adjust your ears, to understand what they were singing because either the music was louder than the voices, or some of them were drowned out, or the sound of the microphones could not be heard until the artist's trumpet.

Of course, at a festival like Benidorm Festival, which moves thousands and tens of thousands of followers, all these mistakes will not go unnoticed. At a festival where RTVE He gave everything for three years and almost made us winners Eurovision After decades and a talent hunt, what happened last night is incomprehensible.

The barrage of criticism was constant throughout the night. “I don't know what to say, I hope this party is a joke”; “The sound quality is really of a high standard”; “It was almost uncomfortable to watch: zero communication between the presenters, zero tolerable vocal errors, boring, dull, zero professional performances”… and that's just a sample (and a light sample) of what it was really like.

It is very difficult to paint a picture of what happened last night in the first semi-final of the tournament Benidorm Festival Because it was impossible to think that this could happen.

That's in the festival of that RTVE The preparation begins practically from the end of the previous edition, it is very difficult to imagine the arrival of the premiere day, the day of the premiere. First semi-final And You don't hear the sounds From 90% of artists; It is impossible to believe that when presenters speak, the audience is heard more than them, and therefore they have to stop every now and then and wait for the audience to finish before they can continue; It's impossible to think about that in performances Where there was smoke or flares you could hear it more Who is the singer. It is impossible to think of the crazy plans that were seen; It is impossible to believe that the foundations of each artist's compositions were so high that what arrived in each case was A thread of sound Unrecognizable; It is impossible to believe that given our awareness of each artist's stage, there was no thought at any time to install wireless microphones so that artists would not have to be more aware of whether their microphone was close enough or far enough away, so that it would either be heard loudly very, or it will not be heard at all. If there is Noemi Galera (Academy Director OT.He eats them.

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It may seem that we are too harsh with investigation Benidorm Festival 2024But what was seen last night was truly surprising and surreal. Thank God for that RTVE The second semi-final and final remain to correct these errors. But there is a problem, there are too many and they are not understood. And I think it's not just for the viewers, but also for the participants, even though they still can't say anything. I highly doubt that last night many of them did not go to bed thinking about the mistakes they had made, especially after seeing each other. All the errors were so obvious that just looking at the briefings during the vote, more than one person would surely have had their heads in their hands internally.

Because obviously the first semi-final always has problems that are corrected later. I am convinced that Ruth Lorenzo, Mark Caldero Anna Prada – one of the best shows of the night – will try to make their relationship clearer this Thursday and it does not seem that each of them is presenting a different programme. I am convinced today that there will be a team that reviews every performance, every second of the match Benidorm Festival, every mistake and they will try to correct it. But I'm also sure that more than one cry will be heard if it wasn't heard last night.

Now comes the second question: What the hell is going on that makes the jury and audience voices so conflicting? How could the trio be among the least voted on by the jury Mantra, motto, to be the most voted by viewers? We won't put forward conspiracy theories, but they smell hesitant. That doesn't surprise me Mantra, motto They were brought to tears when they heard the 40 points the audience had given them (the highest rating) and saw that they had been eliminated from the grand final. Especially because the performance Mantra, motto It was the least exciting ever, the one with the fewest stage tricks, and the one most reminiscent of years past. Can you compare the staging or acting? Angie Fernandez however Mantra, motto? You cannot compare what is not on the same level.

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This has happened with many shows. Aside from the fact that there were technical glitches in all of them, it was clear which participants took the risk and who did not. lyricFor example, with him astronautthey jump around the stage with dancers who resemble the Parcheesi court. Mantra, mottowith a simple structure reminiscent of gradualism Mikey Nunez in Eurovision 2019. Noah, the rocker and surfer kid, who started out as a music TV show back in the '80s, but then it was just him and his band on stage, and nothing more. And on the other side are those who have passed. Angie FernandezOn a vocal level, it was the best of the night and with a theatrical presentation that made one think about it Eurovision; also Miss caffeinewhich despite having a similar structure to that Mantra, mottoWhere her singer hails from, she seemed more prepared and more studied. also nebula So is he whore, which surprised at least with its dancers, lunar-style chair and donkeys. There was no color and there was no comparison. This is also wrong. One thing seems clear: the one who tied was visible, and the one who was not.

It is true that once a winner Benidorm Festival 2024 Hence the Spanish representative in EurovisionThere is time to improve, change things and look for the best, but last night so many things were missing and there were so many mistakes that it is scary to think about what is happening with… Benidorm Festival. The good thing is, today there will be those banging their heads against the wall, today there will be those taking responsibility, and today there will be those saying “this can't happen again.” We'll see…

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