In addition to being containers for unforgettable adventures and the most diverse experiences, video games also hide Little winks or Easter eggs The discovery of which comes as a huge surprise among many members of the gaming community. We’ve seen it throughout the history of the medium: developers have made fans smile with hidden references to famous brands, details that only a small percentage of the audience sees, secret messages and even incredibly complex puzzles that start a kind of collective “treasure hunt”. However, this particular trend among creators also includes unusual files Which, in some titles, only causes confusion among users. This is the case Superslam Partner.
Tony Hawk is improved, but hidden.
We can say that Shrek SuperSlam was an attempt by Activision and Shaba Games studio to turn the famous Dreamworks franchise into Smash Bros. style combat experience. As you can imagine, this idea didn’t catch the attention of many users, and the game, which was released for GameCube, PS2, Xbox and PC in 2005, ended up being that huge bag of video games based on a popular license. It was quickly forgotten. By the players.
However, Shrek’s Smash Bros. had a surprise that surprised many users. After investigating the internal files of the PS2 version, the most experienced players in this type of activity were found Stuffing file (also Fake file In English) it is 885 MB in size and is actually PSP delivery: Tony Hawk’s Underground 2: Remix, a title also developed by Shaba Games. In short, fans who bought Shrek SuperSlam for the PS2 had a “2 games in 1“Without them knowing it.
The most curious thing about this is that we’re not talking about a regular version of Tony Hawk’s Underground 2: Remix, but about A build Dated 2 days after release From the title in the US (but before its release in Europe). So, it was a prototype that already included new features in the initial experience such as Fixed bugs and Additional details On their stages. All of this is included in the Shrek SuperSlam PS2 disc.
Source: xTimelessGaming via YouTube.
A strange initiative for an archive with a purpose
As we said before, Shaba Games has hidden Tony Hawk’s Underground 2: Remix among the internal files of Shrek SuperSlam, turning it into a filler file or Fake fileThis term is commonly used in video game development to refer to mark or Placeholder For the element that will be designed later in the production process. In this way, the developer can carry out his work and if he needs a model or detail that has not yet been implemented in the project, he puts Placeholder who serves so that the rest of the team can Get an idea of what should appear there.However, sometimes studios forget to remove these additions and leave them in the final version of their title.
Now, it’s clear that Tony Hawk’s Underground 2: Remix is not a game. Fake file Normal, so we can explain his strange presence in Shrek SuperSlam by looking at another use for filler files: Make CD reading easierSome players claim that Shaba Games used the skating experience to push the Shrek SuperSlam files out of the PS2 CD-ROM; which supposedly allowed the console’s CD-ROM reader to access the information faster. However, user mezkal recalled in Emotok Forums Back in 2004 that This is nothing more than a rumor. Also very popular with Dreamcast games:
“The subject of external and internal reads is just an old tale. You see, since the Dreamcast can’t store long sequential chunks of data (which is how CDs/CD-ROMs/DVD-ROMs are stored), there has to be something to compensate for. Data is separated with data. dummy So the laser can read at certain intervals as the disc spins, rather than reading like PC CDs and the like.
In short, the filler files made the CDs easier to read by forming time periods of information, and in what appears to be an inside joke between the developers or a reference to their previous titles, Shaba Games decided to Use Tony Hawk’s Underground 2: Remix as Fake fileThis is not the first time the video game industry has implemented similar initiatives since then. EA had to address a very serious situation. With Tiger Woods 99. After all, someone listed it. Full episode of South Park like Fake file; which may cause many rights problems for the distributor.
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