Key facts:
Some of the permissions in Ledger Live are explicit, such as using a mobile phone’s microphone.
There are also privacy concerns in the Trezor app, but to a lesser extent.
The Ledger Live app, which is used to manage cryptocurrencies in the Ledger hardware wallet, contains trackers that provide information about their users to third parties. Likewise, both this app and its main competitor Trezor Suite Live require permissions that could be considered dangerous or at least notable for an app of this type.
Ledger Live has six data trackers in its codeincluding one from Facebook (Facebook Flipper) and three from Google (Google Analytics, Google Firebase Analytics, and Google Tag Manager).
next to, The app requests permissions to access the exact location of the userBluetooth communication with nearby devices, audio recording, reading and writing of shared stored data. Many of them are weird in this kind of apps; You do not have access to the device’s camera, which can be used to scan QR codes.
for his part, It is marked in Tresor Sweet Life Presence Tracker (Facebook Flipper) And different permissions. However, these permissions are related to the functionality of the app. These are, for example, access to the Internet, the use of biometrics as a security measure and the camera.
All data mentioned are derived from a a report From developer BitBoxSwiss identified as Stadicus using privacy software Exodus. This is an organization dedicated to analyzing and providing information about trackers found in Android applications.
fountain: privacy
A new challenge to privacy at Ledger
Ledger came under fire from the bitcoin community about a month ago, in May, when it introduced its redemption feature. This function relies on storing data in the cloud, which is contrary to the principles of decentralization, privacy and security followed by cryptocurrency wallets.
Due to users’ disapproval, Ledger postponed the launch of Recover. Even the company’s CEO, Eric Larchevik, had to appear publicly to explain and confirm that his product was still safe, CriptoNoticias reported.
Now, the manufacturer of one of the major hardware wallets on the market may face more doubts about taking care of its users’ data. As of the time this article was published, the company has not talked about this topic.
“Beeraholic. Friend of animals everywhere. Evil web scholar. Zombie maven.”