Monday, March 10, 2025

They discovered the remains of an ancient tectonic plate that was a quarter the size of the Pacific Ocean

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A new geological discovery reveals an ancient tectonic plate that must have been in existence for at least 150 million years.

a Ancient tectonic plateswas specified in Southeast AsiaRecently discovered by geologist Susanna van de Lagmat, from Utrecht University. His colleagues at the same institution had previously predicted the existence of this mysterious piece more than 10 years ago.

a job Van de Lagmatwho is currently a doctoral student, consists of: Reconstruction of lost paintings Through studies of mountain belts in Japan, Borneo, the Philippines, New Guinea and New Zealand. Moreover, much of it was dependent on Field investigations. The corresponding results were published in Gondwana research.

Pontos, a massive, ancient tectonic plate

At work, Van de Lagmat Found the remains of the northern oceans Borneo It was part of the suspected painting, which scientists now call “Pontus“.

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It is worth noting that the researcher worked in The most complex tectonic zone on the planet: The surrounding area Filipino.

“The Philippines lies at a complex intersection of different plate systems. The scientist explained that the area is formed almost entirely by oceanic crust, but some pieces are high above sea level and show rocks of very different ages.

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Another finding, drawn from the same study, would have been revealing The single plate system extended from southern Japan to New Zealand.. It is estimated that this should exist at least 150 million years.

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Towards understanding the geological history of the planet

The importance of jobs like that Van de Lagmat It depends on understanding the movements of these fragments that form the solid outer layer of the Earth. These movements had a great influence on her How ancient geography and climate changed on the planet over time.

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