Sunday, March 9, 2025

They perform a medicine concert in honor of Chihuahua health workers – El Heraldo de Chihuahua

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A big concert was held in honor of the health heroes of the scientific and cultural Poliforum, in total there will be 3 concerts where those who work in the first line of care for Covid-19 patients are invited.

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This weekend, the first of 3 concerts by the UACH Symphony Orchestra Chamber groups took place in the College of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences as a way of thanking the health sector staff who have fought tirelessly throughout the Covid-19 pandemic.

The conductor of the orchestra, Maestro Raul García Velázquez, stated that this is the first part of a series of concerts that will be held, as long as preventive and sanitary measures allow them to be held in enclosed spaces or enclosed spaces and that the desire for more is the important thing for the members of the orchestra to hear the applause of the audience again.

On this first date, waltz and polka pieces by famous Mexican composers, such as Juventino Rosas and Rafael Oropeza, will be presented for subsequent presentations that will be of another genre and world-class composers.

The purpose of this event is for the attendees to be the same medical, nursing and support staff who worked in the various health centers treating Covid patients, and of course the staff of the Central University Hospital,” said Dr. Luis, Director of the Faculty of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Dr. Luis, Jesús Enrique Jrajida Herrera, who It served as the local headquarters for the care of the vast majority of the entity’s positive cases, as well as those who died from the disease.Carlos Hinojos Gallardo.

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He added that the event was developed as part of a proposal made by the president of the university, Luis Alberto Viero Ramirez, who expressed his wish for a series of thanks to the staff who are fighting tirelessly against this disease in hospitals and various health centers. from the region.

The next dates for these concerts will be October 8 and 22 at the Polyforum of Campus II, admission is completely free and with a limited capacity and is exclusively for health sector employees, tickets can be requested on dates prior to the concert in the administrative offices of the offices of this college from nine in the morning until two in the afternoon .

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