Monday, March 10, 2025

They record 70,146 traffic violations in Guatemala during 2023

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The highest percentage was for motorcycle drivers (37, or about 25,770), followed by truck drivers (18,12,778), and pickup truck drivers (13,9,414), according to the data released.

PNC administration spokeswoman Brenda Santizo told local press that the most common violation was not having a driver’s license, representing 42 percent of the total (29,277).

Nine percent (six thousand 539) are due to a lack of basic equipment, eight (five thousand 950) are due to drivers using headphones, phones or other devices, and another seven percent (five thousand 107) are due to not having a driving permit. .

The report, on the other hand, noted regional disparities, with 11,600 fines applied in the province of Escuintla, Chimaltenango 11,143 and El Progreso 9,117.

Apart from these warnings, we find the warnings of San Marcos (2), Huehuetenango (5) and Quiche (18), with the lowest and most alarming numbers.

The traffic spokesman urged people not to drive under the influence of alcohol, avoid distraction while driving, respect speed limits and ensure the authenticity of their documents.

He stressed the importance of prevention to reduce penalties, without mentioning the measures taken by the institution in this regard. Regarding a rise in 1,823 deaths during the period from January to October due to traffic accidents, the authorities a few days ago revealed, as one of the ongoing problems in this capital, secret car races that usually occur in at least seven points.

Engineer and researcher at the Center for Urban and Regional Studies, Ronald Pelaez, considered the increase in the vehicle fleet to be the main reason for these numbers and loss of life.

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Among the problems are the lack of road signs, the density of vehicles at peak times, which causes mental fatigue, and ultimately accidents that cause damage.

Damaso Rosales, an urban planner and analyst concerned with mobility issues, commented that although the Traffic Department is doing its job, it does not have the capacity or personnel to cover the country with operations and other prevention measures.


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