Monday, March 10, 2025

This is how concert noise affects health: where is the decibel limit?

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he real madrid He presented a surprise plan aimed at alleviating the inconvenience caused to residents by the various events being organized at the Santiago Bernabéu. While the club considers its proposal “positive,” those affected find it “insufficient.” In the midst of this quarrel, CuídatePlus poses the question: How does noise affect human health?

The fact is that noise can have harmful effects on almost all elements of the human body. The main harmful effects of environmental noise include severe discomfort, sleep disturbances and coronary heart disease, according to the Spanish Acoustical Association (SEA).

Anxiety is not a disease in itself, but it produces moods of tension and anxiety in people who suffer from it that can lead to psychological and physiological conditions. In this sense, it is a hadith Stady Published in the magazine The JAMA Network is open Using data from more than 9,000 people, he found this Greater noise exposure during childhood and adolescence was associated with an increased risk of anxiety.

Sleep disturbances are the most common effects caused by people who suffer from them Fatigue, irritability and chronic insomnia. The elderly, those with physical or mental disorders, or those with disabilities will be particularly sensitive. Sleep disorders. Its possible consequences include fatigue, depressed mood, decreased performance, and alertness.

Regarding coronary heart disease associated with noise exposure, according to data from the European Environment Agency, Responsible for 48,000 new cases of ischemic heart disease and 12,000 premature deaths each year in Europe. As forThe immediate reactions that can occur when encountering noise are Mydriasis, eyelids opening and closing quickly, arrhythmiaMuscle contractionincreasing the activity of these, respiratory excitation and reducing gastric secretion, among others.

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Audio effects

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), More than 1 billion people between the ages of 12 and 35 are at risk of hearing loss Due to prolonged and excessive exposure to loud music and other entertainment sounds. “Millions of teens and young adults are at risk of hearing loss due to inappropriate use of personal audio devices and exposure to harmful sound levels in settings such as nightclubs, bars, concerts, and sporting events,” says Bente Mikkelsen, US Department of Education Administrator. Non-communicable diseases WHO.

Whether or not your hearing loss will be chronic depends on what caused it. YesIf this is due to acoustic shock, it will be difficult to recover. If regularly exposed to high noise intensity for long periods of time, the loss becomes permanent and is even associated with other problems e.g Tinnitus Or tinnitus, which is the ringing or buzzing that is felt in the ears or head without there being an external source of sound. After a noisy environment such as concerts, it is very common to temporarily experience this problem. However, in some cases, this condition can last for several months or years.

How much noise is too much?

The World Health Organization has made recommendations on maximum sound levels to keep the number of people affected at low levels. “Unfortunately, Our legislation is much more lenientThe legal limits, called vocal quality targets set by Royal Decree No. 1367/2007, are well above the levels recommended by the World Health Organization.”

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Carlota Saenz de TejadaThe current European Union (EU) Environmental Noise Directive (END) does not set limit values, but rather levels from which they must be notified, explains a postdoctoral researcher at ISGlobal’s Urban Planning, Environment and Health Initiative.

“To comply with the Directive, strategic noise maps must show areas where the noise level during the day, evening and night (Lden) is greater than 55 decibels (dB) and the noise level at night (or Lnight) is greater than 50 dB. This means that there is currentlyData on the number of people exposed to levels below 55 dB and 50 dB at night, as reporting of these levels by countries is voluntary“, he explains in detail.

Moreover, the specialist continues, “the current EU thresholds are too high and should be updated according to the latest WHO guidelines. “Health effects occur at levels below these thresholds, so the health effects of noise are likely to be underestimated.”

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