Monday, September 16, 2024

Top News

CAF governs trainers in New Zealand for more than 130 millones | Compañías

CAF is governed by 23 tracks in Auckland (Nueva Zelanda) with an superior superior of 130 millones. Las unidades fabric fabrication at Beasain (Gipuzkoa) and export to barco at las antipods. The group is a combination of asimism or...

New Zealand has announced an additional $ 2 million in humanitarian aid to Tonga

On Friday, January 21, the New Zealand government announced an additional...

New Zealand teams will not take part in the Andalusian tour

New Zealand men's and women's rugby 7 teams, current world champions, Malaga and Seville will not take part in the stages of the World Series to be held at the end of January Due to the difficulty in traveling...

Milk resources in the New Zealand-led New World

Dairy prices in New Zealand reached their all-time highs last year, reaching US $ 5.29 and US $ 6.39 per kg of solid milk, respectively; They were drawn by China's immense demand, which is the axis of the...

Gale Sandoval makes his New Zealand debut with a goal

MThere can be no better acquaintance. Mexican footballer Gale Sandoval He started his football adventure on the right foot. New Zealand Al Score in his first game With the team Wellington Phoenix Win against Western...

New Zealand has once again controlled its largest city by the corona virus

Auckland - Prime Minister New Zealand, Jacintha Artern, The country's largest city, was ordered to close for seven days from Sunday morning after confirming Auckland yesterday. New case of corona virus.The news comes almost two weeks later 2 million...

Australia and New Zealand have sent planes to assess the damage caused by the aftermath of the Tonga volcano

Hanga Tonga Hanga Hapai's thunderous eruption, located between an underwater volcano with a long history and between two islands - sometimes connected by accumulated ash - was heard hundreds of kilometers away.Other neighboring Pacific countries, such as Fiji, Vanuatu...

According to Western researchers, the Polynesians reached Antarctica 1,300 years ago Science and Ecology | D.W.

The ancient Polynesians looked at Antarctica in the 7th century, a thousand years before Western explorers, suggesting a New Zealand study re-evaluating the oral tradition and ancestral knowledge of Pacific citizens. "We do not want to talk about discovery...

Air New Zealand is the safest airline in the world

Consulting firm Airline Ratings has released its annual report, which ranks the sailing airlines year-on-year. Surprisingly, since the beginning of this work,...

Ricardo Menedes March, Mexican-New Zealand player elected to the New Zealand Parliament – El Financiro

Mexico-New Zealand player Ricardo Menendez was elected to the New Zealand Parliament in March.On Saturday, October 17, New Zealand held a general election in which the Labor Party, led by Prime Minister Jacinta Artern, won a landslide victory.This victory...
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A spattooth whale washed ashore in New Zealand

Residents of New Zealand, a frequent hotspot for wandering whales and dolphins, are used to finding large marine creatures...
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