Sunday, September 8, 2024

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Why not worry about Covit-19 even without vaccines in Australia and New Zealand

Related News The Australian Tennis Open is one of the most important promotional events for the Melbourne and Victoria region....

New Tonga volcanic eruption rejected; Australia and New Zealand send aircraft to assess damage | International | News

The last possible change was announced at 3:40 pm, but it was rejected this Sunday at 5:05 pm, Inokar pointed out.AgenciesJanuary 16, 2022 - 7:54 pmThe AFP stepped back when it announced a new "big volcanic eruption" in Tonga....

Hugs and tears when the corona virus opens the “bubble” to travel between Australia and New Zealand | The world

Family and friends hugged and reunited in tears after the first flight this Monday "Bubble" This allows for unrestricted travel between Australia and New Zealand after nearly 400 days of border closures due to corona virus...

In New Zealand and Brazil, two scenes of Kovit-19 refer to epidemic management

Although the country has not yet won the war against Covit-19, with the words "enough is enough", President Jair Bolsanaro is urging Brazilians to return to work. Brazil has recorded more than 250,000 deaths and nearly 11 million...

Peru General Elections 2021 New Zealand: Peruvians First Voters | Second Election Round | NNDC | Politics

Lima, June 5, 2021Updated on 06/05/2021 04:48 pmThe Peruvians in Wellington, New Zealand, have been voting since this Saturday. Second round of elections A portion of the 997,033 voters abroad were called in this Sunday at...

New Zealand suspends Rugby Championship against Australia, Las Poomas and South Africa

Despite the rumors the news fell like a bucket of cold water. Los All Blocks They finally announced that they would not be playing the game scheduled for Saturday, August 28th Against Australia The second date of the Rugby...

New Zealand has ordered a three-day nationwide lockout for the first COVID-19 case in nearly six months

Under the health order, New Zealanders can leave their homes - with masks and two meters away from another person - to shop, play sports, including the Kovit-19 diagnostic tests. .At a news conference by New Zealand Director...

The UK has finalized a trade agreement with New Zealand

By Alastair PaulNew Delhi, Jan 13 (Reuters) - Britain plans to conclude a free trade agreement with New Zealand "very soon", British Foreign Secretary Anne-Marie Travelyan said on Thursday.In the coming years, Britain wants to sign an agreement with...

New Zealand will not take part in the Malacca and Seville World Series

New Zealand men's and women's rugby 7 teams, current world champions, Will not participate in the stages of the running world series Malaga and Seville at the end of JanuaryDue to the difficulty in traveling due to the restrictions...
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Opening of the dollar value in Brazil on August 29 from US Dollar to Brazilian Real

he US Dollar It is negotiated at the beginning of the day. 5.55 Brazilian Reals on averagewhich means a...
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