the personality test Many Internet users today have been surprised by their compatibility with their ways of being. The next picture shows five different women and you just have to choose the one you know. Before!
After being selected in this psychological test, you will be able to find out details of your personality that you did not know. Remember that you must answer truthfully, only then will the results you get correct. Don’t say we didn’t warn you!
The beginning of these tests was when the American psychologist and biologist Roger W. Sperry – Nobel Prize winner – discovered that the two hemispheres (left and right) in our brain function differently, the way we think they are is determined by which side is controlling on the inside.
The full picture of the viral test

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Chica 1: If you choose girl number 1, then you are most likely an enthusiastic and confident person. You love trying new things and are drawn to challenges. Usually, you are the one who maintains his calm mind in the face of difficulties. You are patient and willing to wait to achieve your goals, because you know that with your power of decision and effort, you can always achieve them.
Chica 2: You are a social person, one of those who have no problem attending a meeting where they know very few people, because you know how to make connections with others, break the ice, and make friends easily. You have a good mood and you are happy, and even when you feel sad you prefer to smile in front of those around you. In adversity you choose to maintain optimism, and although you are sometimes a bit naive, you often know how to achieve your goals. You are sensitive, so a careless word someone maliciously or inadvertently says about you can hurt you.
Chica 3: If you choose girl number 3, then you are most likely a shy and organized person. Spontaneity is nothing, but it does make you a very organized person. You don’t usually have instant relationships with others, so those around you often have a welcome opportunity to see your true self when you get to know them better. You are not malicious and avoid conflicts. You care a lot about other people’s feelings and are ready to sacrifice something to make your loved one happy. At the same time, harmony is necessary for you, which is why from time to time you need to be alone and enjoy your own company.
Chica 4: If you choose girl number 4, then you are definitely a calm and cautious person. You have good control over your emotions, so many will find it difficult to confuse you or make you angry. You prefer to hear your mind before your heart, so some may think that you are cold and reserved, but the truth is that you are the opposite: sociable, kind and gentle. You care about others, avoid actions that might hurt other people’s feelings, and are always ready to help. You are capable of handling any obstacle you have to face.
Chica 5: People who choose girl number 5 are usually persistent and independent. If you choose this option, you can certainly define yourself as being self-sufficient, not asking for help, and being too stubborn to change your mind when you already have an idea on your mind. You are ready to make all the necessary changes to achieve your goals, but in personal life it is not so easy to meet new people, and those who find a place in your heart are assured that they can always trust you.
What is a personality test?
Also called a psychological test, it is an empirical tool intended to measure or evaluate a particular psychological characteristic, or general traits of personality.
The construction of the test should ensure that the behavior specified by a particular detector represents as faithfully as possible the performance of the subject in everyday situations where the ability that the test aims to evaluate is put into real implementation.
According to the father of psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud, the experiences a person accumulates during his or her life help shape his or her personality as an adult. Freud claimed that traumatic experiences had a strong influence at this point.
On the other hand, the Latin American Technological University (UTEL) from Mexico states that personality or psychological tests are divided into three parts: questionnaires, projective and behavioral, which will identify different traits that you may not have known about yourself and what you think about things.
What is the origin of personality tests?
according to Wikipedia, The first personality tests were developed in 1920. These questionnaires “It was intended to facilitate the selection process of personnel, particularly in the armed forces.”.
In these times, many users from different parts of the world are interested to know more about their way of life. That is why in social networks there are many simple tests that allow Internet users to find out everything about their personality.
What is the best personality test?
the 16PF . questionnaire It is one of the most respected and used. It was the result of decades of work and analysis by Raymond B. Cattell, a British psychologist known for his great contributions to the field of personality and, above all, intelligence. It was he who suggested, for example, the existence of liquid intelligence and crystallized intelligence.
This personality test has been constantly revised and updated, but the gist remains the same: the study of our personality traits based on 16 factors and five secondary factors: Factor A (emotion), Factor B (inference), Factor C (stability), Factor E (dominance), Factor F (impulsivity) ), factor G (group compatibility), factor H (audacity), factor I (sensitivity), factor L (suspicion), factor M (imagination), factor N (perception), factor O (guilt), factor Q2 (self-sufficiency) , factor Q3 (self-control), factor Q4 (tension).
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