the virus test Various platforms on the internet have monopolized their amazing answers which you can find at the bottom of the content. What should you do? Look carefully at the following picture and choose the dance partner you like the most. Through this type of content, millions of users discover cool sides of themselves, and best of all, in a fast and easy way.
As you can see in the illustration, which has gone viral, it is possible to see six types of dancing partners, but in these options there is one that only shows a woman dancing. Your choice may reveal the details that your relationship should require at this time when you may be facing hard times.
After you have made your choice in this psychological testYou’ll know what each dance partner means. Remember that you must be honest and answer truthfully, because in this way the results of the personality test will be correct.
The beginning of these tests was when the American psychologist and biologist Roger W. Sperry – Nobel Laureate – discovered that the two hemispheres (left and right) of our brain function differently, so the way we think is determined by which side is which control the interior.
On the basis of his discovery, then, a myriad of Test It can reveal a person’s way of thinking and personality traits. In the same way, you must remember that these tests that are circulated on social networks do not have scientific validity or accuracy, they are only a test that results in general personality profiles.
viral test image

Viral test results
couple number 1
You need a beautiful, bright and romantic relationship. You want that beautiful courtship time to last forever and your partner flirt with you, congratulate you, and give you flowers. It is important that you feel like a real woman: sweet, flirtatious, and affectionate.
couple number 2
In a relationship, you need a confrontation with your partner. Your partner should not be weaker than you. Emotions and drive are important to you so that you and your partner can beat each other day in and day out.
couple number 3
You need support and care in a relationship. You need a shoulder, a strong man, a partner who will support you and always help you solve problems. If your partner takes care of you, you will shine like a beautiful diamond.
couple number 4
She loves a classic, mature and strong relationship, based on trust, understanding and mutual care. Also, mutual respect is mandatory, you can’t go anywhere without it. If your partner gives you a sense of confidence in the future, you will be completely happy with this man.
couple number 5
In relationships, you want to be a leader. You are a dynamic, energetic and energetic person. You love the role of the housewife, but you also like to take charge of your relationship with your partner.
couple number 6
Apparently, at this point, I don’t need a relationship. You are in harmony with yourself and outside the spouses. You love freedom, do what you want, go with whoever you want and you will see how you love it. If you have a partner, it is important for you to accept your independence.
What is a personality test?
Also called a psychological test, it is an experimental tool intended to measure or evaluate a particular psychological characteristic, or general traits of personality.
The construction of the test should ensure that the behavior identified by a particular detector represents as faithfully as possible the subject’s performance in everyday situations where the ability that the test intends to assess is put into real practice.
According to the father of psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud, the experiences that a person accumulates during his life contribute to the formation of his personality or character as an adult. Freud claimed that traumatic experiences had a strong influence at this point.
On the other hand, the Latin American Technological University (UTEL) of Mexico notes that personality or psychological tests are divided into three parts: questionnaires, projective and behavioral, which will identify different traits you may not have known about yourself and what you think about things.
What is the origin of personality tests?
according to WikipediaThe first personality tests were developed in 1920. These questionnaires “It was intended to facilitate the selection process of personnel, particularly in the armed forces”.
In these times, many users from different parts of the world are interested to know more about their way of life. That is why there are many simple tests in social networks that allow Internet users to find out everything about their personality.
What is the best personality test?
the 16PF . questionnaire It is one of the most respected as well as used. It was the result of decades of work and analysis by Raymond B. Cattell, a British psychologist known for his great contributions to the field of personality and, above all, intelligence. It was he who proposed, for example, the existence of fluid intelligence and crystallized intelligence.
This personality test has been constantly revised and updated, but the gist remains the same: a study of our personality traits based on 16 factors and five secondary factors: Factor A (emotion), Factor B (inference), Factor C (stability), Factor E (dominance), Factor F (impulsivity), ), factor G (group compatibility), factor H (daring), factor I (sensitivity), factor L (suspicion), factor M (imagination), factor N (savvy), factor O (guilt), factor Q2 (sufficiency) Self, factor Q3 (self-control), factor Q4 (tension).
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