Monday, March 10, 2025

Vote count in New Zealand

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Vote count in New Zealand

By Radio Guide Group |

Find out the results of the Chile 2023 constitutional referendum in New Zealand: participation, trends and the election.

It contains Chile's Constitutional Referendum 2023Preliminary results New Zealand The “Against” option received 77.2% (799 votes), while the “For” option received 22.8%. The result reflects the trend of the Chilean electorate New Zealand Regarding the proposal New Constitution.

Participation New Zealand It was 25.1%, which is lower compared to 51.2% in other years. This data indicates a low level of interest and participation by the Chilean community living in New Zealand in their country's constitutional process.

Results of the 2023 referendum in New Zealand: which option won, for or against

It contains Chile's Constitutional Referendum 2023Preliminary results New Zealand The “Against” option received 799 votes, while the “For” option received 25.1%. This figure shows the preference of Chilean voters in New Zealand regarding the proposal New Constitution.

Referendum 2023 results: Vote count in New Zealand

Participation rate New Zealand was 25.1%, which represents a decrease compared to last year's 51.2%. These numbers suggest low Chilean interest and participation New Zealand About Chile's Constitutional Process.

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