Monday, March 10, 2025

Voting is already underway in Australia and New Zealand

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Capital New Zealand, WellingtonAlready receiving 810 Argentina able to vote in Election 2023 From the sea country. It is the first country to open elections where voting is on a single ballot and where there are prosecutors from both parties: Union for Homeland And Together for change. Voting has also started Australia And Japan.

New Zealand A Time usage Voting began at 4:00 pm on October 21, 16 hours earlier than Argentina. Argentina (October 22 at 08:00 in Sea Country). For its part, in Australia Voting has started for 5,234 eligible comrades. Japan The first of the 1,858 Argentines on the registry already had that opportunity.

According to National Election CommissionThe ten countries with the highest number of Argentine voters registered in the electoral roll are: Americawith 90,382; Spain85,388; Brazil, 19,842; Uruguay18,149; Paraguay17,963; Italy17,356; Chili, 16,482; ; Mexico9,494; Germany8,960 and Bolivia8,506. Israel, With 14,201 nationals, he will enter the list but will not be elected due to the war in the territory. The same situation happens UkraineThere are 128 Argentines who cannot vote.

Elections 2023: How can I vote if I’m abroad?

Although it is not a mandatory requirement, the People living abroad is authorized to publish suffrage Inside 2023, for the President and Vice President categories; National Representatives; National Senators; and Members of Parliament Mercosur.

In Elections GeneralThose who are implemented Do his exercise ok to vote They can only do so at the headquarters of Argentine diplomatic and consular missions abroad, using a single ballot system. Vote reserved The last district to live in Argentina Accredited and if you don’t have it, the Place of your country of birth.

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Elections 2023: National Electoral Chamber expects increase in participation

After the last three votes fell short of historical record 80%The National Election Chamber It is estimated that Electoral participation Grows on occasion General of Election 2023. last Passed Voter turnout in presidential election is lowest since the return of democracy 69% Participation.

“Participation Passed It was 70.4% And expectant growth, which happens all the time Passed at General“, under control Sebastian SchimmelExecutive Secretary National Election Chamber“It probably won’t reach its level,” he admitted, in any case General 2019″.

As such, he mentioned in a radio interview Vote count: “We expect the data to be there previousSince there is less data to load, the task of schedule officers is simple: We went from 27 presidential formulas to fiveLike all genres,” he explained.

Example Passed It recorded the lowest participation ever General. For reference, in Election 2019 Voted 76.40% In the register, there was a participation rate in general elections 81.31% Reflected in the same sign Legislature 2021Given that Passed Went to vote 67.78% while in General attended 71.72% of voters.

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