“If the system enters the ground, it turns into a hurricane, because the water spout is a cyclone, but on the surface of the water. If it acquires ground characteristics, it will be F2 or F3,” says Alvaro Pérez Senra, of the Cienfuegos Regional Meteorological Center. Photo: Taken From the wall of the Cienfuegos Regional Meteorological Center on Facebook.
The water column has recently become an unusual sight in Cienfuegos Bay. Alvaro Perez Senra, a specialist from the Meteorological Center of Cienfuegos Province, provided details of the phenomenon, which began to develop around 4:50 pm on Saturday, October 16 and remained for about eight minutes until it landed at sea.
“It is very normal for this to happen, especially in summer, when storms acquire severe characteristics, given the large thermal variance between the surface and the middle and upper levels of the troposphere. Hence, more organized storms can generate this type of extreme phenomena such as tornadoes or plumes. water”, as the meteorologist from Cienfuegos told Radio Ciudad del Mar exclusively.
This phenomenon originated in a remote area on the southwest coast of the Gulf of Cienfuegos. Regarding its route, Senra specified that it “was established in an area between Cayo Carinas and Jocaral, where the pier was located, which was to serve as the base of the nuclear power plant. We call it the Los Paredones area, although it has already touched the sea surface very far from the coast. southwest of the Gulf.
From the start we knew conditions were in place for a storm to form over Cienfuegos, because we saw it on radar and explained on Telegram and on the networks that it was moving toward the southwest. By the time the water pipe was discovered, a new warning was issued and movement to the southwest was reported, which could pose a danger to the nuclear city, but fortunately the waterway did not last at sea, dissipated and did not affect it. Area “.
Before the startling look of Cienfuegos, who took pictures of the event, science does not rule out the danger and possibility of this type of event.
According to the provincial meteorological center specialist, “If the system goes into the ground, it will become a hurricane, because the water basin is a hurricane, but on the surface of the water. According to the images that we estimate, it was very wide. Perhaps, if it acquired ground characteristics, it would be F2 or F3, Depending on the damage.”
Forecasting hurricanes and water points is a complex matter for meteorologists. Perez Sinra notes that “it is very difficult to predict a storm that has the conditions to generate a hurricane, because this accuracy has not yet been achieved all over the world. We know when conditions are favorable for the development of severe weather events, and four of them come: hurricanes, strong linear winds, hail and heavy rain.”
“We know when a local storm can occur with some semblance of intensity, but these phenomena cannot be predicted. At the time of its formation, the radar detects a kind of hook echo (we call it that). It’s like forming a hook in the radar image, and from there we know that the wind is spinning and form a vortex.
“So, we can say that a hurricane or a basin of water is happening in that area, but there is no technology to predict it well in advance and warn the people of the area” that it might be affected.
Social networks echoed the flow of water in Cienfuegos and many residents provided video testimonies of the event.
“We have the testimony of some people who were in the area of Cayo Carinas and La Melba, who were able to see the course of the water a little closer, but in the area where it touched the surface of the sea, fortunately there were no ships, because this system was able to cause great damage to any ship was present.
“As such, there was no one close to her to be able to express her feelings and opinion about the winds in that area and about the intensity with which the system was moving in those minutes within the bay.”
Frequent observations of meteorological events such as the one that occurred last October 16 in Cienfuegos province and the awakening of specialist alarms have been reported.
During 2021, we received eight reports, between waterpipes and hurricanes. It is really disturbing to see how this type of phenomenon has become so frequent in our province. We often attribute the number of reports of severe local storms to increased internet connectivity, due to the number of people with mobile phones who can register and upload to social media, but in reality this behavior is quite an unusual type of phenomenon in the area.
“It occurs in densely populated areas where everyone appreciates it, and therefore, we are already doing an in-depth study to find out what conditions occur in the troposphere, so that we can explain why this type of phenomenon appears,” explains Senra.
Cienfuegos specialist warns of the dangers of severe weather systems. It is appropriate to warn the population not to expose themselves to these very dangerous events. The wind in the hurricane or the water hydrant can greatly exceed the hurricane wind, because it is a smaller area, and it is a very strong wind vortex and low pressure system.
They can lift cars, even buses, and seriously damage buildings, depending on their severity. Do not expose yourself to these phenomena. Try to protect yourself if you see that it is coming where you are, because it is very dangerous, just like electric shocks so common in our country and which are the main cause of death from natural phenomena.”
(taken from sea city radio)
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