Monday, March 10, 2025

We already feel how the end of the universe will be in thousands of years

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theory the great explosion It is one of the most famous sciences and is used to describe the early development of the universe, its inception, with some nuances. But whatever begins (we suppose) must end, and understanding the end to which our universe is heading requires another theory. At the moment, we have several hypotheses, one of which is gaining traction, The one with a tear or big Big rip.

Theories of the end of the universe.
Centuries later we ask ourselves “Where did we come from?” We have an idea More or less reliable and accurate from the history of the universe. The story of the beginning of rapid expansion, followed by an initial slowdown and a new acceleration in terms of expansion.

With some “buts” one could speak of a consensus regarding the past evolution of the universe, but the question “Where are we heading? He doesn’t have a simple answer. There is Three main hypothesesone of Big crisisNobody Big Freeze and that of Big rip.

The first can be thought of as a the great explosion On the contrary, it assumes that after the current inflation, the universe will become smaller until matter, energy and space itself converge again at some point. the Big Freeze For his part, considers a The universe that continues to expand Until matter and energy become so scattered that all heat disappears.

Not with an explosion, but with a tear.
But there is a more extreme theory, speaking of an extremely accelerated expansion that ends up “tearing” the universe, the “Big Rip” or Big Rip. in This scenarioDark energy, an energy that we cannot detect but which will be responsible for the exponential growth of the universe, will continue to increase the expansion rate of the universe until this rupture is reached.

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The experimental data fit well Big ripwhich indicates that it is very likely that this will happen,” notes physicist Ruth Lazkoz, V Article in Conversation. “The galaxies will be farther and farther apart, and the force of gravity will gradually become less significant until its influence disappears.”

Cosmology soup.
Lazquez has spent years working out the question of where we are going. in One of his most recent articlesPublished in the journal Philosophical Transactions adescribes his work examining the different scenarios of this “cosmic apocalypse”.

The researcher explains how models are created to study and understand these scenarios. The key is to understand it through what we can imagine, in this case, a liquid.

Understanding the different components of the universe as fluids coexisting in space, Lazcuz says, allows researchers to focus on specific observable or computable variables, in this case pressure and density.

long time in the future.
For now we can breathe easy, because this breakup scenario isn’t going to happen overnight. The same data that researchers like Lazkoz rely on helps estimate the time that should elapse for this event.

Variables such as ratio The difference between conventional matter, dark matter, and dark energy allows researchers to estimate the growth rate and acceleration of the universe. And by doing so, to see when gravity will arrive It may not be able to hold the galaxies togethermay not even be able to keep planets in orbits of their stars.

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And there are many left. If we base ourselves on this theory, the universe will barely reach Ten years oldIt will have about 130,000 million years ahead of it.

cosmic unknown.
Behind the theories about the beginning and end of the universe is what we have been able to know with a certain degree of certainty: the universe is expanding and expanding faster and faster. Of course, behind the beat he does what he can be The biggest unknown Modern cosmology.

The discrepancy in our calculations regarding this rate of expansion is increasingly irreconcilable, and so the margin of uncertainty is always high. How do Lazcuz explains herselfIt is important to humbly acknowledge that the paradigms on which we base our knowledge of cosmology often “disguise our ignorance as wisdom”.

Perhaps one day we will be able to solve these problems and be able to answer the eternal question: where did we come from and where are we going? At the moment we do not have a definite answer.

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