Monday, March 10, 2025

“We have to defend public health and defend the country”

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The Minister of Health of Buenos Aires, Nicholas Kreblak, presented the completion of the works on the Provincial Hospital “Petrona V. de Cordero”. With an investment of $100 million, the county redesigned and expanded outpatient clinics, guards, intermediate care rooms, and the historic center and facade. Axel Kicillof’s government work is being carried out in public hospitals, improving the quality of care and the working environment.

“From day one we held round tables to listen to the needs of the workers and went as fast as we could to restore rights and working conditions for everyone. There are so many things missing, life is always such that things are missing, what we do in politics we always notice what is missing before what we have actually done, because this It is where we are heading, and this is where we are heading, towards building things that we lack, there are many things missing, but together we are defending public health, and defense of the state, is the main tool, ”said the minister.

He also emphasized: “It is important that we all stand up for what belongs to everyone, because today many people are all they have, and they depend on us. Our responsibility is to be able to take care of them. We believe in the health system and hospitals that are close to people. This is the healthcare model , It is the model that we must accompany and defend, militarily, we think together, and in this way, all the dreams of our region, our province, this hospital, health workers will continue to be built “
The work was divided into two parts. The first one finished. The ongoing apparatus, which will soon be completed, consists of the construction of a new pediatric and paediatrics treatment sector, with twelve beds for the pediatric intensive care unit and twenty four beds for the pediatric intensive care unit, and a room for the installation of the new CT scanner. Business valued at around 500 million pesos.

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The completed works required a regional investment of 100 million pesos: remodeling of the outpatient clinic, waiting room on call. The general medical, dental, ENT, and mental health services offices were also enhanced with paint jobs, new furniture, and lighting.
Meanwhile, the intermediate care recovery room has been refurbished and, in 34 rooms, new gas paneling with lighting has been installed along with new furniture and bathrooms overhauled. In addition, the value of the guard and the renovation of the historic center and the facade of the hospital was appreciated.
The works are part of the Salud a la obra program promoted by the Buenos Aires Provincial Government which consists of the improvement, maintenance and expansion of sectors in hospitals.

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